Day 3

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[Day 3]

It was another beautiful day in London, Grace thanked her lucky stars and hoped the nice weather would hold out for the remainder of her stay. Today she wore a summery lemon coloured dress made from lightweight fabric that was soft and comfortable. She let her long rose gold hair flow freely that it might be caressed by the gentle breeze. Unfortunately the abuse she suffered the previous day did not leave her unblemished, and she was forced to don a pair of long gloves with her outfit. She grabbed her matching yellow parasol and disembarked at Victoria station.

"You be careful now dearie."

The Scottish woman called from the train.


Grace called back as she waved goodbye to her aunt who disappeared with the train, it would not return till the afternoon. Opening her parasol and gently resting it on her shoulder Grace set off for her outing in Westminster.

. . .

The male assassin reclined on his lounge and let out a sigh, there was nothing to do today and boredom had set in. He leaned his head back and looked upwards, his gaze meeting a single flower resting in a used bottle. Jacob analysed the flora while the events tied to it replayed in his mind. He hadn't seen Grace since they parted ways on the platform and he wondered if she was alright.

'Perhaps I should go and check on her?...'

A Familiar Scottish accent pulled him from his thoughts and his head snapped forward, meeting the woman's mature gaze.

"Agnes, what can I do for you?"

"Nothin' sir, I just wanted to thank ye for looking after Gracie yesterday. She told me how you accompanied her on her errands."

"Oh, not a problem at all... Did she, say anything else?..."

He asked cautiously.

The older woman smirked while she spoke.

"Don't worry Mr Frye, she said you were a proper gentleman."

A toothy grin spread across Jacob's face.

"It's a wonder she did'ne ask you to go with her today. I suppose she thought it best not to bother ye."

Jacob's smile fell and his brown knotted.

"Where is she?"


Agnes said frankly.

"She's spendin' the day there."

Jacobs brows lifted and he nodded slowly. Putting hands together with a clap he spoke.

"I just remembered. I have to meet with some of my rooks, so I should really get going."

The young Frye backed towards the door of the carriage, and the Scotswoman nodded to her boss.

"Have a good day Agnes."

He chimed before leaping from the moving train. After a small stumble he bolted for the closest street and hijacked the first carriage he saw.

"Westminster is still under the control of the blighters. If Grace gets hurt, Evie's gonna blame me!"

. . .

After perusing the glamorous stores of the West End, Grace walked up to the street vendor at the entrance of St James Park. She studied the small menu of sweet, icy treats while their sales person bellowed his product to the passing crowds.

"Ice-cream! Sweet, delicious ice-cream! just perfect for a hot day like this one!"

His tone decreased to a more sensible decibel as Grace stepped forward to order.

A Dance of Knives and Flowers (Jacob Frye X OC)Where stories live. Discover now