Every man for themselves

Start from the beginning

The walls of room were dark coloured and messy with blood stains, the room had one source of light, a light bulb dangling from the ceiling. A staircase lead up revealing a door at the end of it. Nick and I were currently chained to the ceiling. Nick was constantly being punched in the gut.

"Augh!" Nick scream coughing and spatting up some blood.

"Is that all you got" and spat in Edward's face.

He fisted Nick again but he didn't react. Yes bro be a real man suddenly the door gave off a creaking noise and a young lady walked in Nick look  amazed at her beauty but seemed he suddenly realize she was a bloodsucker.

I must have dreamt that. How does he find time to be checking out a girl especially a vampire at that, while being tortured at the same time.

"So you are the one master want?" she asked looking me up and down snapping me out of my of thoughts

"Hmmm," she said licking her lips. she walk back out the door

Later she returned with Rafael. He walked over to Nick with anger in his eyes.

He grappled Nick's throat he was strangling him to death. Nick was struggling to get out of the death grasp but failed miserably.

"Cut that out you fucking bastard!" I shouted trying to pull out the chains.

"You better pray I don't get out off these chains you asshole! I'm gonna rip through your throat like toilet paper." I threatened him.

I blinked and in that instant he stood in front of me staring in disapproval.

"You know I'm getting sick and tired of hearing your voice."

He is so fast I didn't even see when he moved.

Nick's head was slumping forward but I heard his heart beat thumping loud and clear.

He punch me in the stomach. I spat blood and growled at him eyes glowing. When he saw this he smiled.

"Wonderful, I thought Edward captured two useless mongrels, I'm a very busy man you see and I hate wasting time on trash, like that mongrel over there," Rafael said pointing at Nick.

Rafael was small in structure, eyes as black as coal. His face showed years of experience, many years at that.

I gash out on him but the chains held me back "Take that back you son of a bitch, I promise I will slaughter you when these things come off," trying to fist him but all this was in vain.

" Is that so? Well, well. You'll get plenty of time to show me what you can do am sure," Rafael said giving me an evil glare.

"Sarah release him," he ordered.

"Yes master,"and she began unchaining me.

When I landed on the ground I threw Sarah against the wall where Nick was and charged at Rafael.

I threw a fierce upper cut that he dodge with ease and stabbed me in my ribs with hawk like fingernails.

"Sure is a feisty one, I'm a keep you as my pet."

I ignored the pain and slashed after him. He jumped back and fisted me in my ribs.

Shit! He's too strong. I kept attacking but he kept dodging fisting me in my ribs,face and basically every dangerous points on my body.

Finally I yielded in to the pain, kneeling in front of him. I gasp for air holding my thighs to support me from falling on my face.


I could feel my ribs rubbing and touching delicate organs they shouldn't.

I felt proud of my brother I beamed as pain washed over me.

I remembered growing up as a child he was so shy and reserved always being bullied in the pack at school. Giving me the duty of protecting him, now he's doing a damn good job of standing up to vampires trying to rescue me.


Sam and Jean were busy cleaning up and adding bandages to wounds of all size and condition.

Why did all this shit happened? Just as Jack had finally made a move. I wonder if he's OK. Please whatever God out there let him come back to me safe.

The rest of Mike's members came barraging through the door.

They informed them about what transpired in the woods immediately plans were put into place to go rescue them......


A/N my worst chapter yet.

Having loads of issues going on: emotional, mental and physical issues.
Will sure make it up to u guys loving all your tolerance so far.

Sure as hell ain't no 123 ABC in writing a book.

Ily please keep on voting, commenting n supporting.

Thank u.

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