"Don't stay up too late Haechan. You have an exam on Monday and should spend tomorrow at least studying for it." She reminded the young boy as he, Chenle and Jaemin began to make their leave.

"Yeah Haechan. Don't forget about your exam." Jaemin laughed, reaching over to ruffle the older member's hair in a teasing manner.

"Jeez." He growled, slapping Jaemin's hand away and crossing his arms. "You always lecture me, but never Mark. We're both in your class. You play favorites so easily, Yesol."

"Noona, Haechan. I'm your Noona." She sighed, just simply shaking her head at him.

Ten chuckled, walking the three younger members to the door once they had all of their things gathered. "She's not playing favorites. You're just a lazy shithead, bro." He patted Haechan on the back affectionately before adding, "But that's okay. We still love you, for whatever reason."

"Somehow, that does not make me feel better." He bit out before finally stalking out of the apartment in a huff.

"Such a drama queen." Chenle shook his head at his hyung before turning back to give Yesol a grin. "Bye Noona! Thank you again for the cookies. They're my new favorite!"

"Same here! Make me my own batch next time, please Noona?" Jaemin battered his eyelashes at her, to which Yesol could only smile and nod.

"Maybe I will."

"Eh? No fair! I want my own too! She made them for me originally, and you and Haechan ate it all, you pigs!" Chenle squealed as Ten began pushing them out of the door.

"Keep it down or you'll never know what a cookie tastes like ever again." He shut the door behind them only to hear Chenle cry out "The horror!" Before their banter escaped down the hallway and into the stairwell.

"I really hope I don't get kicked out any time soon." Yesol groaned, running a hand through her hair.

Mark chuckled and reached over to rub her shoulder soothingly. "Just be glad Johnny's outside keeping watch and not in here with Ten. Otherwise those two would be louder than the actual children of the pack."

"Hey!" Ten gasped at the same moment Yesol giggled and nodded. "Point made."

The short Thai boy scoffed and shook his head in disbelief. "I see how it is. Fine, then I'll just go outside with Johnny now."

"As if you weren't going to already?"

"Yes, but at least now I get to make a dramatic exit while I do. Good day, milady." Ten bowed at Yesol before making his way to the door and shooting her a wink as he walked about. "Behave, you two."

She ignored the burning in her cheeks at Ten's comment as he left, instead turning to Mark with a sheepish smile. Things felt awkward, but only in the way two teenagers would feel during their first date - or at least that's what Yesol imagined, not having much experience in the relationship department herself. It wasn't a bad awkward. In fact, it was one that was welcomed because the butterflies she felt, while still making her feel somewhat guilty, also made her feel at ease with the entire situation going on.

"Are you tired? It's almost eleven." He asked her softly, stepping forward so he could reach his hand out to hold hers.

Yesol intertwined her fingers with his, the warm tingles of his touch spreading up the length of her arm and setting her mind at ease. Her shoulders visibly relaxed and all of a sudden, she did feel tired enough to rest.

She nodded her head at him, a yawning escaping her lips when she attempted to reply with a 'yes'.

Mark chuckled, tugging on her gently to bring her closer so he could wrap his arm around her shoulders, letting her lean against him as he guided her to her bedroom.

It was completely innocent, Taeil's recommendation for Mark to sleepover Yesol's apartment at night so she would have someone with her while she slept, whom she could trust wholeheartedly.

The two were both against it, for the sake of embarrassment, but after the first night, when Mark attempted to sleep on her tiny couch and Yesol didn't have the heart to let him stay that way the entire night, allowing him to share her bed, any form of bashfulness fled and it became something both looked forward to each evening.

Mark and his inner wolf were able to rest better with her there, and Yesol was able to sleep through the night peacefully, her hand secure in his as they laid side by side, the only part of their bodies touching being their shoulders.

Both of them changed into their sleep clothes, Mark in the bathroom and Yesol in her room before joining each other on the bed.

She was already half asleep when his fingers slipped into hers and she heard him softly mumble something to his hyungs waiting outside, their supernatural hearing easily picking up his words.

"Call on me if anything happens."

Unfortunately for them, however, they had to do just that.



welp, that happened. lmao, I've enjoyed writing the next chapter so far, so look forward to that soon. It'll definitely be an interesting one... maybe.

Thank you guys and I'll see you soon with a new chapter~


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