Chapter 2

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(I probably should've explained this before, but Pidge and the reader have been dating for over a year and then Pidge left for the Garrison, meaning that they have been dating for two years now)

Pidge's Pov:
The response was quiet, and groggy.
I must've woken her up, but I didn't care. I took a calming breath before reaponding.
   "Hey" my voice cracked. I was crying.
   "Holy crap, Katie?!" She squeaked.
   "Yeah. It's me...I'm so- I'm so sorry!" I hiccuped.
   "You're alive..." she whispered.
   "Yeah... but I'm not at Garrison anymore..." I said quietly.
   "What do you mean?" She asked.

Shiro's Pov:
   Pidge stared down at his phone, reading something. His eyes widened suddenly as he began to type something, and then held the phone to his face, sprinting out of the room.
   I'd never seen him like this before. I knew that his Dad and brother, my comrades, were taken, so perhaps it was his mother? He was so pale, and he looked as if he had seen a ghost.
   A few minutes passed before anyone at the table said anything.
   "Should we go check on him?" Hunk asked. I nodded.
   "I'll go. You guys take the time to call your families too" I said, rising from the table.
  As I reached Pidge's room. I heard him talking to someone.
   "So after about a year of investigating, and wondering what Voltron was, a ship crash landed by the Garrison. When we investigated it turns out that is was Shiro! The other member of the team other than my Dad and Matt" Pidge explained.
   He was telling whoever was on the phone of what had been going on so far.
   "And the lion suddenly starting driving on its own, like autopilot, and we went into space. Next thing we all knew we where in a galaxy so far away from Earth, I shouldn't be able to be talking to you I'm so far away. We landed on some planet, where we found that all of us are the paladins of Voltron, we also found the last two Altaen people in the universe, Coran and Princess Allura. I have the Green lion, Lance has the blue lion, Keith is red. Hunk is yellow, and Shiro is our leader and the paladin of the black lion. We've been fighting the Galra, an evil race who have ruled over most of the known universe for over ten thousand years..." he finished.
Silence filled the room for a second.
   "No...they don't know. I'm too nervous to share that secret" he muttered. I raised an eyebrow.
   'Secret?' I wondered. We're my thoughts being proven?
   "Yeah I know they're my team. I am going to tell them, yes. I've been thinking about telling them since we left Earth. I'm going to tell them tonight" He said.
I decided now was the time to go in and ask if he was okay.
   "Pidge?" I called.
   "Ah! Oh hi Shiro, you startled me" Pidge said, phone still up to his ear. But then I realized something I've never noticed before. He was wearing a golden locket. It was small, and had an oval shape, but it was still a locket.
   "Sorry to interrupt,  but are you okay? You ran out of the room like you saw a ghost" I said.
   "Oh...yeah. I'm better now, thanks for asking" he said, but then turned his attention to the phone.
   "Yeah sure" he said, and pressed a button.
   "You're on speaker now" he said.
   "Hello!" The person on the phone said.
   "Uh...hi. who's this?" I asked, having no idea how to respond.
   "I'm (y/n), and you're Shiro, right?" She asked.
   "Yeah. Nice to meet you?" I asked. Shrugging to Pidge, meaning that I have no idea what to do. Pidge chuckled.
   "I will put her on video call later once I complete the projector. Then you all can meet her" he said.
   "Okay cool" Shiro said, still a bit confused, "I'm gonna let the others know you are okay." He said, and walked out.

Pidge's Pov:
   "Hey, I gotta go. But before I go, happy anniversary. I didn't forget, I just wasn't able to say it. Love you" I said.
   "Yeah. Love you too, happy anniversary" (y/n) responded.
   "Bye" I said quietly.
   "Bye bye" she responded, and we both hung up. I sighed, might as well go out and see what the others are doing.

   "Lo siento! It's like I said, I have not had signal or anything this entire time! No, I'm not at the Garrison. I told you already what's going on... ¿Qué?" I heard Lance say.
   "Lance you speak spanish?" I asked.
  (A/N: I heard online that Lance is hispanic, so I am literally just gonna roll with it for now. I took two years of spanish class, but it's been a while since then so if I make any mistakes let me know)
   He held up a finger at me, signaling me to be quiet.
   "No! Yo no tengo, mi salud es bien, si yo duemo mucho, la comics es mas o menos bien, es muy...unica" Lance suddenly said into the phone, rubbing the bridge of his nose.
   "Si, si, te amo mama, adios" he said, and ended the call.
   "Sorry about that. My mom is crazy" Lance said.
   "Yeah, so are you. Family genetics. So how do you know spanish?" Hunk asked.
   "Hm? I'm hispanic." Lance said like it was obvious.
   "Huh. And I thought you were just tan and stupid from sun damage" Keith muttered.
   "Hey!" Lance yelled, but before they could start family, Allura and Coran walked into the room.
   "So paladins...what is going on?" Allura asked.
   "Pidge found a way to link our cell phones to Earth, so we all took the time to call our families" Shiro explained.
   "Really?" Coran asked.
   "Yeah. Pidge isn't there something else you were talking about?" Shiro asked.
   "Oh yeah..." I looked to the side, subconsciously playing with the locket around my neck.
   "Ooh what's that?" Lance asked, pointing to the locket.
   "Huh?" I asked.
   "The locket" he repeated.
   "O-oh, uh, nothing. It's nothing" I said quickly.
   "A-anyways. I'm fixing a projector, so there is a good chance that we will be able to video call our families or whatnot, and introduce each other to them. We could also watch movies" I said, adjusting my glasses.
   "Awesome! But you can't just switch subjects. What's the locket? Who's it from?" Lance asked.
   "Ooh I think I know! It's probably from that picture that I saw, remember?" Hunk said, laughing.
   Oh yeah. The picture of me and my brother.
   "Oh right who was that?" Keith asked.
   "His giiiirrrlfriend" Hunk replied, laughing even more.
   "What that's not my girlfriend she looks nothing like that" I said before thinking.

Silence rang throughout the room...

   "Oooooooooohhhh" Hunk responded.
   "U-uh, I mean- well you see-" I started.
   "So what does she look like?" Lance asked, smirking.
   "Uhhh" I said, backing away, and holding the locket with both hands.
   "Guys leave him alone. If he wants to share, let him. But don't force him" Shiro sighed.
   'Thank you Shiro'  I yelled in my head.
   "Okay, but you will tell us at some point right?" Lance asked.
   "Yeah...when I'm done with the projector" I said, heat still searing my face.
   "Alright then, everyone, let's go to the training deck" Shiro said.

I know that the plot is going a bit fast right now. But what I am trying to do is give an introduction and then introduce you (the reader) as fast as I can. Because it doesn't really make sense for the two main characters to never physically meet in a book. Nah. I ain't having that. XD so sorry if this seems a bit fast and the storyline is a bit off, or the characters seem too OOC, I'm just trying to have fun writing this
thank youuu :))

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