Chapter 1

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(Btw they don't know Pidge is a girl yet)

Lance's Pov:
   "Hey has anyone seen Pidge? He hasn't shown up yet" Everyone looked around.
   "Maybe he is working? You know how much he loves to mess around with technology" Hunk proposed.
   That's when Pidge walked in, small circles under his eyes and yawning.
   "Morning Pidge. You okay?" Shiro asked.
   "Mm. No sleep" Pidge grumbled.
   "Pidge, we've talked about this. You need your sleep" Shiro responded.
   'Uh oh. Space Dad coming out' I thought to myself. But he was right, Pidge looked awful.
   "I know. I got an hour of sleep though. I've always have had trouble sleeping ever since I left home for the Garrison" Pidge yawned.
   "Any particular reason why?" Coran asked, pulling on his mustache.
   "Yeah. But I don't want to talk about it" Pidge whispered. I looked around, looking at the others for an answer none of us had. Shiro just looked at the others and shrugged.
   Then a sound went off. Like a phone notification. Pidge snapped up instantly grabbing his phone.
   "It worked" he whispered, smiling.
   "Uhh. What worked?" Hunk asked.
   "Okay. The reason I was up all night is because I missed my family and...yeah family. So I tried to think of a way where I can get service from space. And it worked. I even made a wifi system" Pidge explained.
   "WAIT WOAH WOAH WOAH YOU MEAN I CAN CALL MY FAMILY?!" I yelled. Pidge nodded. I sprinted off towards my room.

Pidge's Pov:
   'I may not have been telling the whole truth, but at least they know some of it' I thought to myself. Then I saw it.
136 messages from (y/n). I gasped.
At the Garrison, they had no signal, and cellphones were not allowed. I never got mine out because I didn't want to risk it being taken. I read through the messages.

(Y/N): hey! What's up! How was your first day?
[September 24. 5:43 pm]

(Y/N): Pidge?
[September 25. 10:17 am]

(Y/N): Are you okay? Pidge? [September 27. 6:03 pm]

(Y/N): Let me know if you get signal. I'm going to guess that phones aren't allowed or something.
[September 28. 3:17 pm]

(Y/N): baby please. This is scaring me. Did I do something wrong? [September 29. 4:22 am]

The list went on throughout the months until this month.

(Y/N): Pidge? Katie? Baby?
[August 7. 5:15 pm]

(Y/N): Katie please. I'm so scared. Please talk to me. I miss you so much. Happy anniversary.
[August 16. 6:02 am]

That last one was sent yestetday. My heart nearly stopped.

   "Pidge?" I heard someone ask, but I wasn't listening. I couldn't hear anything.
I imedietly dialed her number and ran out of the room. The phone rang... and rang...
And rang...
I finally reached my room when I heard it.

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