
Sakumi stretched her arms up in the air. Her stall had been even more busy than usual. It was a normal pace, not something so crazy, but she still had to start wearing an apron to protect the clothes that she and Ichirohiko picked out together.

 It was a normal pace, not something so crazy, but she still had to start wearing an apron to protect the clothes that she and Ichirohiko picked out together

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She opened her eyes after lowering her arms and saw a certain human boy walk through the busy crowd.
"Kyuta!" She called
The human boy smiled and walked up to her stall. Sakumi was finally tall enough to not jump up to reach her counter. She leaned on her arms on her counter.
"Wow" she called with a teasing smile, "Someone has gotten somewhat handsome these past few years"
Kyuta chuckled and rubbed his neck, "only somewhat?" he asked, "you've actually gotten prettier, Sakumi"
"Thanks" she said, "you want a fruit juice?" she asked giving him a cup, "on me?"
"No thanks, I have to get and make the food for Kumatetsu" Kyuta smiled, declining nicely
"Okay then, I'll see ya later" she said waving him off

After a few hours, Jiromaru showed up excited, "Sakumi, have you seen how many people want to follow Kumatetsu?" he asked and Sakumi shook her head, "he's got a huge line outside his house, a waiting line" he explained excitingly, "come on you have to see this" he yelled grabbing her hand and pulled her along with him.
"But my stall!" she called out
"worry about it later"

"See" he said once they stopped next to Ichirohiko, "all these people are just waiting to be approved"
"wow" Sakumi gasped for breath, "that is really long" she said looking to the endless line outside Kumatetsu's house.
"here I grabbed this before bringing you here" Jiroamru said handing her a cup
"How and when did you even grab it?!" Sakumi asked taking it and gulping it down, "yay you grabbed the cherry one"
"You need to quit dragging her around so much, Jiromaru" Ichirohiko said as the tassels of his hat covered the lower part of his face.

"You do the dishes!"
"Stop you brat!"

They started to hear footsteps come down the road.
"Look it Kyuta!" Jiromaru called and Sakumi gave him a small wave, "wanna come to my house?"
"Later!" Kyuta called out as he ran past them at his full speed
"Come back here!" they heard Kumatestu yell as he too ran past them
"Kyuta is something else isn't he?" Jiromaru asked scratching his now grown tusks, "Kumatetsu's cut off so many disciples already, a fight between him and dad would be fun to watch, I bet they're well matched by now" Sakumi nodded and flinched when she felt something
"Kumatestu?" Ichirohiko asked, "don't compare that lazy slob to father" he said looking at his younger brother and girlfriend.
Jiromaru was scratching his tusks and Sakumi was mumbling that she had something stuck between her fangs.
"What's wrong nii-chan?" Jiromaru asked catching Sakumi's attention, who looked at Ichirohiko in question
"Nothing I'm fine" he said looking away.

"Let's go already" he said grabbing Sakumi's hand, "I don't want to stand around watching someone like Kumatestu get more followers" he said as he started walking off, Jiromaru behind them

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"Let's go already" he said grabbing Sakumi's hand, "I don't want to stand around watching someone like Kumatestu get more followers" he said as he started walking off, Jiromaru behind them.

"hey don't you guys have a day off?" Sakumi asked
"Why do you think we just standing there?" Jiromaru chuckled
"We should do something together" Sakumi suggested
"Yeah, it's been so long since we've done something just the three of us"
"I'll probably just go train some more" Ichirohiko said
"No way" Sakumi said, "you're doing something with us, you need to take a break every once in a while"
"Don't give me 'buts' remember what happened last time you trained too much?"
Ichirohiko sighed and nodded his head. Sakumi smiled, "good, no lets go home and find something to do together" she said grabbing both their hands.

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