After (Pidgance)

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This was it, they had defeated the evil forces of the universe. If not always, it was at least safe for now. Zarkon was gone, his family as well. They had been sent to the alternate universe discovered by Voltron previously, and with no way of escaping. Any rifts were made sure to be closed off indefinitely.

Since it seemed too perfect, it took a while for it to strike paladin by paladin that team Voltron was no longer needed. They meandered around the castle, eventually settling in the dining hall. Come over by excitement, Lance listened to the music Hunk had put on and before he knew it, was pulling Pidge into a loose-footed dance.

He swung her around, ecstatic that they were free, that'd be able to even return home. Lance didn't stop until he realized he had done it on impulse. He hadn't asked the owner of the little hands intertwined with his for permission. Backing off quickly, Lance watched his feet awkwardly.

"I," Pidge placed her hands back in his, "Actually know this one." A grin forming on Lance's tan face, he raised his arm to twirl her. Together they danced, getting a few laughs from the rest of the room. Still, nobody joined in, probably preoccupied in their own thoughts. Everyone was dreaming of seeing Earth again after all. It was unexpected for Pidge to know how to dance, so Lance figured he'd ask.

"Where'd you learn to move like this, lion cub?" He inquired. Pidge groaned a bit at the nickname, adding to her non-stop embarrassed blushing. She would always be picked on for her height.

"Err.. Matt wanted someone to practice with a few years ago. Something for school? I can see the height difference is still a problem, heh." Pidge noted, seeing Lance bending down slightly. As they kept up with their banter and kind of clumsy dancing, Hunk appeared to be in thought.

"Who wants to learn the ways of a master? Let's go make some space grub!" The sunshine boy declared, not really a question. Sure enough, the rest of the crew headed for the kitchen. Hunk gave a wink to Lance before ushering everyone out. Pidge had seen the obvious gesture, clear as day, but didn't know what it meant. She stepped away from Lance, a cynical look on her rosy-cheeked face.

"What's that all about?" Pidge raised an eyebrow. Instead of replying Lance simply smirked and went towards some sort of Altean radio. Hunk had been using it to play music, so it must have a connection to Earth somehow. Whatever it was, it wouldn't be long before the nerd of the team came up with an acronym.

She watches curiously while Lance mutes the volume to keep it quiet while he changes the station. Then all at once, he pumped up the volume, turning back to her. A loud, catchy song plays in Spanish, and Lance is smiling like he just won a free prize. Rushing over, Lance grabs Pidge. 

Over the noisy music he shouts, "You need to learn to lighten up! Earlier was good, but let's see some REAL moves!!" "What are you-" "Just go with it! Follow my lead." Lance smiles mischievously. They dance for what seems like forever, until Pidge's head is spinning with Spanish lyrics and she collapses in exhaustion. Lance joins her on the floor, laughing to his heart's content.

"Your face! HA!" "Mine? You should see yourself, smooth-talker." "You just look so surprised! Now let's hear it, did you enjoy yourself?" "No. That was the most dreadfu- okay fine I had fun." "Haha, perfect. You see.." Lance scratches the back of his head in an almost timid way- no, Pidge must be seeing wrong.

"This is the kind of fun that I want to have back on Earth." "Ah- ah.. yeah I hope you do..." Pidge dropped her false hopes in a mere second after understanding truly. This was just him goofing off again, it didn't mean anything really. She kept her smile, but it was a sad one. Hopefully the glue would keep her artificial happiness for him in place.

Pidge's dance partner inspected her face, "Hey, why so glum? I meant with you and Hunk, naturally." Lance had that worried expression Pidge only saw every now and then. Pidge perked up instantly, and couldn't keep herself from stammering. "R-really! You mean it, w-wow yes that would be great..." "You seem surprised. Hm. Are us boys not worthy of being in a genius' presence?"

The short-haired girl fell for his teasing grin. "Hey! Up until recently you were certain I was a boy, so what's changed now huh?" She said with a challenge in her eyes, playing along with his jokes. Pidge waited for the clever retort he would fire back at her. 

Rather, Lance leans in close and whispers in a flirty tone, "Lots."

Heh author here, I know the song is way too long for this little bit but it felt fun to have it in there. Also yes haha I know, overused, cliche song but it's still fun. ;D

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2017 ⏰

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