Chapter Two

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After brushing my teeth, I tried finishing my bottle which tasted sour now. I walked upstairs to the Theater. Think I want to watch Space Dandy. I turned on the overhead screen and went to netflix.
I watched three episodes before I started to hear loud thumping. It got louder and louder as it came closer and closer. There was one last thump then silence. Footsteps shuffled across the floor.
Donald walked in. I didn't look his way as he sat down beside me.
"What are you watchin?" he asked.
I yawned,"space dandy."
We sat in silence for a while. *i'll save him, you just wait*
"What was that noise i heard?" i asked.
"What noise?"
"The loud banging."
"Oh. That was me."
"The hell were you doing?"
"I was bouncing a ball on the stairs."
I nodded. "Seems like a dumb thing to do."
We sat in silence a while longer. *Is space control in tact? Is it? Answer me!*
The girl that I saw lying on the floor this morning walked in the room. Donald and I both turned our heads.
"Swank wants you." She said and walked out.
Donald let out a long sigh.
"I thought you made everyone leave?" i asked.
"I did. I don't know her."
"Somebody's girl?"
Donald shrugged his shoulders. He got up and walked out.
I sat for another 30 minutes watching Dandy run around the screen. I decided to watch Archer now. Donald came back and sat down.
"You changed it?" he asked.
"Yeah. What he'd want?"
"Swank and Misla were arguin' bout pussy."
I laughed, "What?"
"Misla claimed she'd seen more than Swank and Steve."
"Misla's a girl." i said confused.
Donald nodded. I thought for a minute.
"She said girls are in locker rooms and shit and they see eachother's vaginas." Donald said.
"Well I've been in locker rooms too and i've never seen anyone else's vagina but my own. So I don't know what happend with Misla."
We laughed at that and spent another hour and a half watching Archer.

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