Chapter One

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Watching the smoke pour out of my mouth is soothing in a way. Like when you first get in the shower and the hot water drains everything out of your body. Yeah, like that. Its hot outside. So why waste my time out there? But i'm almost out of vape, shit.
I forced myself up. Start upstairs towards my room. Its pretty clean, as it can get. The average pile of dirty laundry stuck in a corner. Balled up wrappers from the junk food I tend to stash from Swank. A lot of miscellanus objects scattered on the floor, which I happen to step on a lot.
I walk to the side of the bed and look in the drawer full of papers. I hide all the important things like junk and money underneath it all. I look for a little more vape, but with no luck. I hope Donald has some. I'm not in the mood to not be high.
I leave. Towards Donald's room I hear ruffling like he knows i'm coming. I knock. No answer. I knock again. Still, no answer. So I invite my presence.
"Donald." I say almost at a whisper. No response.
"Donald." A little louder. Just a muffled moan.
"Got some more vape?" I asked walking over to where he is currently rested.
He shuffles under the covers."Yeah."
"Then give me some." I say, sounding more like a command.
"You gotta pay." He said.
I smacked my lips and rolled my eyes. Then left. Looks like I won't be high today. The little bit I had this morning only gave me a buzz and its starting to where off.
I walked down to the kitchen. There's some girl lying on the floor covered in passion marks and half-naked. She must've stayed over from the party yesterday night. She isn't the only one either. A bunch of random people I don't know are sitting around or asleep. When Donald gets up he won't be happy. Might fuckin yell and make everybody leave.
Emily & Misla are sitting on the counter eating cereal and talking about how many dicks they've seen. Not a very amusing conversation to be eating over, I think. And after seeing Stefan throw up, I think twice about eating. So instead I just grab a bottle of San Pelligrino from the freezer and start to leave.
But before doing so I turn to Stefan, "You're cleaning that up right?"
He nods and continues tapping away at his phone.
I know he won't.
I decide against all unwillingness in my body to go outside. The heat hits me right away. I put my feet in the infinity pool and open the bottle. I take a huge gulp and while doing so I hear the door open and close.
"What did I tell you about that?"
I turn. Its Donald.
"Drink out of a fuckin glass next time" he nags.
I squint my eyes up at him. We both burst out laughing. The laughter dies down.
"Anyone comin today?" I ask.
Donald scratches his head and a few white specks fall from it. "No. But a lot are about to leave. Who are these people?"
I look at my feet through the crystal clear water in the pool and honestly answer, "i don't know."
Another long swig of Pelligrino.
"But you need to wash your hair." I say twisting the lose strands of his afro.
He nods. "I know."
I get a quick smell of his breath,"ew!"
He raises his eyebrows, "what?"
"Yo breath stank!"
He checks by blowing into his palms and sniffing.
"It does. So do yours."
I repeat his previous actions and shake my head. "uh-uh. Mines smells like sweet liqour. Yours smell like ass."
He blows his breath in my face before running off.
"ugh, fuck you!" I scream.

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