Part1: The Perilous Oceans

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It's been a week since we departed for the West Indies, it was really harsh and bitter since it's my first time traveling the Atlantic, but my new family understands that, as I never went outside Britain, and I saw this expedition a great opportunity to discover the world.

The first days were somewhat unpleasant for the crew, no one knew me and that was bad because you'll get bullied if you're alone, which did happen on the second day.

I was doing my job as ordered by our captain John before he went to his cabin, and this man slowly approaching me, while everyone looking at him, he told me: "Well, well, well... look what we have in here a young man think it's fun joining the trade route, you think it's a game?"

I answered: "Look, fellow friend, I'm here because your captain accepted me, and like it or not, I'm here with you on this ship for eight weeks"

he replied while grabbing a knife: "Oh, the captain won't be happy hearing about your accidental death."

and started getting closer, I was terrified and I had no weapon to defend myself, so I grabbed this broom and started waving it, to scare him, but instead, he went closer and tried to stab me multiple times that's when I started hitting him with it until my groom broke to pieces, and he went lying on the deck, his friends didn't like that, and went beating me until we heard a strong clear voice saying.


it's the captain, he was watching the fight and he somehow enjoyed it, he said that I'm part of them now, and all the crew should Accept this fact. That was one hell of a day.

I spent the following days observing the ocean. It's truly beautiful this deep blue sea with its unique smell, nothing can beat this wonderful this landscape.

on the fifth day, I woke up late at night and went up to the deck, to see how things are going.

I saw our captain, steering the ship while breaking the small waves, and thought I should talk to him, a peaceful conversation maybe I could learn few things from such a great person.

So I hailed him while walking toward him, and said: "what a cold night!"

he said: "well, Benjamin, it's the ocean, things been always going this way"

so I told him, that I heard about the ocean behaving in a scary way, sinking ships, the huge storms...

he replied: "unfortunately, it's true, and we shall face that in the next weeks, so you better get some sleep, there's a lot of work in the morning"

I went back to my bed and went to sleep.

He was right in a way, as starting from the third week, we began experiencing the true evil of the ocean, what looked calm, revealed its real form.

Long and devastating days living in a storm, this tempest went worse with every passing day, I remember this particular day that I almost died.

We were fighting the waves, and steering the ship toward them, the waves keep hitting the deck, and make it all wet and really slippy, one of the most important ropes broke loose, so I went for it, quickly climbing the ship, and attaching it again it took me minutes to do so, and as I finished attached it I saw this huge wave facing me, an alarming sharp scream "Brace yourselves!"

It hit me dropping me from top to the ground.

Everything seemed blurry, and I temporarily lost the ability to speak and hear, So this friend Charles started talking to me, telling to hide under the deck, I couldn't understand so, he picked me up and went running to the hatch, he slipped drop both of us down, and right in front of another stronger wave for a second, I prayed to survive this mess, as it hit the deck, one of the barrels batted my head, and that's when I went unconscious.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2017 ⏰

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