"Hi" I replied, smiling at her.

"Sooo. You free later? Or uh--" she scratched her neck, getting nervous.

"Hmm, maybe." I answered, making fun of her.

"Maybe?" She stops.

I stopped.

"Hmm-hmm, maybe."

"But.. if you.. if you're going to reject me, just say it now. I am used to it, I promise. It's not even going to be a date if you don't want to, I just want to hangout with you and eat and chill and--"

"Y/N, I would like to be in a date with you." I stopped her from rambling.

"And see puppies-- wait, you would?" She asked, eyes shining brighter than ever.

"I will." I smiled.

"I'll pick you up at 7.. wait, what about your parents?" She asked nervously.

"I'll tell them, don't worry. They will let me." I answered.

Finally, huh?

"What should I wear? Oh gosh, Dinah help me." I panicked.

"Calm down, Mila. Every thing fits you anyway. You don't have to wear something so eligible or too loose. Just wear something like you." She answered.

I groaned.

"I wanna be beautiful to Y/N tho." I pouted.

"Mila, I swear.." she shakes her head and tossed white crop top with a rose on the left side of the shirt and a skinny jeans.

"Thanks Dinahhhhh" I pecked on her cheeks.

"Eew, go change, you disturbance." She said scrolling down her phone.

I giggled and went to bathroom to change.

"Mama-mia! Look at you!" Dinah startled me as I went out the bathroom.

I got insecure.

"Am i--" I started but was cut off immediately.

"You look good, just need some touches here and there. Lemme do your hair, gurl."

"Well, well, well, look at you. I did it right, aren't I great?" Dinah finished up.

I smiled.

"Thank you so much! You're the bestest friend ever." I hugged her.

Then we heard the doorbell ringing.

"Alright, alright, I think your lover is downstairs." She hugged back.

I let Dinah go downstairs while I checked all the necessary things in my purse.

"Mila! Come downstairs now!!" Dinah shouted.

I then went down, and see my handsome baby.

"H-Hi." She said cutely.

So adorable.

She's wearing something boyfie.

"Hi." I chuckled.

"Let's go?" She asked.

I nod.

"Let's go."

We arrived at some restaurant, not that fancy, but really a good place for a date.

"This is nice." I smiled at her.

She blushed.

"You're nice and beautiful." She replied.

It's my turn to blush.

We then followed a lady that guided us to our reserved seats, which Y/N ordered food as well already so it won't take long.

"How are you?" She asked sweetly.

"I'm great, really excited for this." I chuckled, once again.

I'm this happy now?

She chuckled as well.

"Good. Because, I was really nervous and excited for this as well." She said.

The food then arrived after small talks.

"You ordered my favorites?" I asked amazed at the food choices.

"Well, you're the queen tonight, aren't you?" She replied smiling cheesily.

I laughed at her dork side.

We ate in a good silence, her talking every once in a while about her mom being anxious about Lauren.

"Well, in the end, I fixed everything. Lauren agreed that there's actually nothing between us. We are just really good Bud's." She said and drank her iced tea afterwards.

It was amazing that we never had to drink wine or anything like that. I don't really like those.

"Well, are you enjoying yourself there?" She asked.

"Hmm-hmm, I'm so loving the food. You can leave me here and eat everything they serve."

She laughed.

That cute laugh.

"Oh no, do I have a competition, honey?" She asked.



I cough with her sweet nicknames.

"Oh- are you alright!?" She asked panicking to my side, (although she's laughing hard now) giving me a glass of water while rubbing my back.

I drank the water.

I nod.

"Sorry, I was just really enjoying my food."

She went back to her seat.

She was still laughing hard.

I glared at her but then, laughed as well.

"I'm sorry, just... Okay, please be careful next time, okay? I don't want you dying." She said slowing down.

"Okay, honey." I replied, smirking.

She smiled at me, again.

I hope this night never ends.

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