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Camila's POV
Today, has been not so grateful.

Jesse is controlling Y/N's body right now, and she was nothing but a stubborn one.

We had break from school because of what happened. So I thought, this won't be that bad.

But, boy was I so wrong.

"Y/n, can you just please at least respond when I'm talking to you?"

I asked, for the hundredth time.

"Ugh, don't call me Y/n. What the heck do you want?"

She finally replied while she put the newspaper she's reading down on the table.

"I was asking if you could reach the bowl there? It's so high."

I asked, since I'm trying to make food.

"Why couldn't you just stand on a stool or something?"

She complained but reached the bowl anyway.

"Thank you."

I grinned, and kissed her cheek suddenly.

She blush and wiped it. She's still adorable.

"Ew, don't ever do that again, you virus thing."

She said with annoyance.

"You're cute."

I said, and she blushed even more.

"Shut up. I'll be in your room. Why am I even in your house, ugh."

She walked to my room, stomping her feet like a kid.

I chuckled at her actions.

Duh, Y/N or Jesse, or whatever. I won't give up until we get through this.

Minutes later, I've done almost six attempts or so. But, goodness gracious, everything is a disaster. I'm covered with flour. Cracked eggs are on the sink. I bet Y/N will be mad.

Right then, I heard footsteps behind me.

"What the heck happened here!?"

She asked and I faced her slowly, smiling like I'm so innocent.

"Uh, hi?" I waved.

"Ugh, what did Y/N ever see in you? Such a mess. Tsk." She said, going near me with a tissue paper.

I looked down in embarrassment, 'til I realized she was wiping out the flour from my face.

"What a-are you doing?"

I stuttered, like the nerd I am.
She didn't answer and continued wiping out my face.

"Go take a shower, I will clean this up.
We'll go outside for food, instead."

She sighed out, and I followed as she said.

Her being a demanding person looks so hot and cute at the same time.

Shh, shut up Camila, that's Jesse.

I told myself. But, no matter what I say to myself, I know that Jesse and Y/n are just one. Y/n just have to accept that side.

Okay, so for the past few days that I've encountered Jesse, she is the exact opposite of Y/n. Based on Y/N's doctor, they said that..

Y/n, is like the innocent-jolly kid. She's fun to be with. She doesn't want violence.

Jesse is the matured-competitive one. Jesse is cold and could kill you in a minute.

That, that's what Y/n, needs to accept. That she has that side too. And that's where  I go into the picture. I have to help Y/n accept that fact. I guess, you'll do everything for the person you love. This time, I'll repay all her hardwork for me and for being my personal hero.

In my own opinion, Jesse is not that cold-hearted person. Remember when she saved me from those drunk guys before? And from Jake? That's how I believe that Y/n and Jesse are just one. They just don't know it yet.

"What do you want to order?"

I snapped out of my thoughts when
Y/N suddenly talked.

I realized we're having a drive through at some cafe I don't know.

"Ugh, why don't you just answer? Know what? Nevermind, I'll just order for you, loser." Sha said with annoyance.

I giggled at her. She just raised her eyebrow on me and began to speak on the thing.

"Hi, can we have one frap, one chocolate. Please add 2 breakfast meal. Yes, the pancakes and waffle one. Yes, thank you."

She finished ordering.

"Why didn't we just ordered inside and eat there?" I asked, but she didn't answer again.

I sighed.

We then moved forward to grab the order and she continued driving.
We were just sitting in silence while music is playing.

"I have somewhere else in my mind where we can eat." She suddenly rasped out.

I smiled at that. She is full of surprises.

I noticed we're in a driveway where there are no other cars anywhere.

Shoot, is this the end of my life? Is she finally going to kill me?

"I won't kill you, if that's what you're thinking. I swear, you'd be more stupid if you ever thought of that." She said still looking infront of her, focusing on the driveway.

I blushed at her words. Am I really stupid?

Soon, we stopped. I looked at the scenery. We're like, at the top of the world. I see the buildings, trees. It's just, wonderful.

"Don't go outside. Let's just eat here while we watch the city go busy." She said, grabbing our food, handing out my share.

We are eating for a while now.

"Thanks, Y/n." I said, out if nowhere.

"I'm Jesse." She answered, annoyed once again.

I rolled my eyes.

"Same thing" I replied.

She sighed.

"Look, I'm trying to make this work out as well, okay? Just give me and
Y/N more time to understand each other." She admitted, sipping on her water bottle she brought for us.

I kissed her cheek, she's so adorable.

She blushed.

"What was-- what was that for?" She asked, widen eyes.

I smiled sheepishly at her.

Love wins.

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