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i dont have followers so this is just for me but if for some  ~weird~  reason an internet stranger stumbles upon this mess, hello!

this will be verY personal but honestly i'm fine with that so just warning you i'm putting everythin in here.

i probably shouldn't but its super therapeutic.

oh well wOOPs

i'm not gonna to be funny or clever or interesting, this is all just me talking abt my life

pretty narcissistic but whatever it feels good

anyway lets begin to the first thing rattling inside my oversized and fat head

so i have two sisters, theyre pretty great,,, good ppl

a twin, who gets on my nerves a lot but honestly my best friend even tho admitting that makes me look like a huge dork, its chill

i also have an older sister who is 21 and so C O OL 

i'm 14 and i still think shes the coolest human being ever soz


and she wears what she wants and does what she wants and doesnt care what people thing

i strive for that


so lets call her purple,,, and my twin sister yellow,, k

so purple is heading to her last year of college in 2 days and i barely see her already bc she has an apartment w her friends like an hour away from home

and i really really really love spending time with her bc i feel like i can tell her anything

with my twin sis, yellow, i feel as though i cant tell her anything because she's super close with my mom and tells her everything and its so frustrating

and today purple came home and all she is doing is going out to bars and staying with friends and completely ignoring me and i just wanna do stuff with my big sister and shE WONT

anyone wanna be my new big sister?????

im not kidding ^^^^^^^


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