Imagine 35- Scars

Start from the beginning

Pan approached me. "You're a girl." He said. I slowly removed my hood. "Interesting," He said. "How'd you get here?"

"I-I heard your music, and I jumped through the portal with the boys." I replied, nervously playing with my hands. All of the boys were staring. They started talking to one another.

"A girl?" A boy with a club and blond hair spoke, surprised.

"I've never seen a girl before, what's she look like, Pan?" Another boy, who was short and quite young, tried jumping to see over the others who were much taller than him.

"What's a girl doin' here?"

"Boys, shut up." Pan snapped, silencing the small audience he had behind him. "How did you hear the music? He asked, turning back to me.

"I-I don't really know."

"Come with me." He said. I followed him into the forest. We walked in silence until we came upon a treehouse.

When we entered the treehouse, I looked around in awe. For being in the middle of a jungle, it was beautiful. A bed with a patched quilt sat by a window with a silky curtain, beside the bed was a colorful rug, and there was a wardrobe with many random items on top of it.

"Why'd you bring me in here?" I asked Peter, turning to the green eyed boy.

"I want to ask you a few questions. What's your name?"

"Veronica," I replied.

"What was your life like before you came here?"

"Sorry, you have to get to level five to unlock tragic backstory." I smirked at his frustrated expression.

"Hey, what's that on your back?" I turned to see Peter standing behind me. My shirt had risen up a bit, showing a couple my of scars from when my owner whipped me.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it," I brushed him off, but he kept pushing.

"Don't lie to me, Veronica. What happened?" Peter asked sternly, corncern etched onto his features.

"I told you it was nothing. I'm fine. Really." He frowned, but didn't ask again.

-four month time skip brought to you by tom holland's preciousness-

My eyes fluttered open. Something was different. Looking at my surroundings, I realise I'm not in Peter's treehouse. I had fallen asleep in there, so what happened?

"Oh, she's awake," an accented voice spoke, I turned to see a man dressed in black, with a hook for a hand.

"Who are you? Where am I?"

"Don't worry about that, love. If all goes well, you'll be back to your little monster in no time." The man took a sip from a flask.

"What?" The man shook his head and left the room I was being kept in.

It seemed to be hours until I heard anything.

"Where is she, Hook?" Peter.

"I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about."

"Come on, Hook. Let her go." He sounded bored. Does this happen often?

"I will," dramatic pause for effect. "If you give me free passage off the island." I could almost hear Pan roll his eyes.

"Still on that, really? You know I won't do that."

"Then it looks like your girl here, is stuck with me." There was silence, and then a door opened. The man, Hook, appeared, and grabbed me. I didn't bother fighting against a man much older and stronger than I was. Plus he had a hook for a hand, how could I win against a fight with that? I did nothing as he tied a rope around my wrists and lead me to the top deck of his ship.

Peter stood on the beach. His eyes widened slightly when he saw me, but kept his ground. "I'll propose the deal one more time, Pan. I give you the girl back, you let me leave."

Peter pretended to think. "I'm gonna have to say no. Sorry." He sounded anything but sorry. The conversation continued like this for a little longer before I was shoved against a pole that held up the sails. Another rope wrapped around my torso multiple times, securing me in my place. The rope was tight, nearly suffocating. I struggled to get air in, only being able to let in little breaths at a time without the rope hurting me.

Moments later, all the boys came running from the woods, screaming and hollering and holding weapons. They invaded the ship, battling Hook's crew. Peter teleported on the deck, right in front of me. He started to untie the rope, while making sure Hook was busy with one of the lost boys.

"You had a plan this whole time?" I asked, surprised.

"I always do, love. Let's get you out of here, come on," he took my hand in his and we started running, towards the ladder that went off the side of the ship.

"But, how did you know Hook had taken me?" I struggled to keep up with Peter, but he continued to tug me along, skilfully dodging trees and logs.

"I knew he would do it at some point, he's always looking for a way to get off the island. When I came to check on you and you were gone, I assumed he did it."

We stopped at his treehouse. He sat me down on his bed, and started to check me for bruises or cuts. "Did he hurt you?"

"No, Peter I'm okay." I tried to stop him, but he was too quick. He saw the scars on my back.

"Who did this to you?"


"Who did this to you?" He repeated, angrier this time.

"I don't want to talk about it. Maybe later." Peter frowned, but didn't ask again. He moved from behind me to in front of me, taking me in his arms again and pressing a gentle kiss on my forehead. "Well, whatever happened, just know that you're safe here."

"Thank you," I whisper, pulling him closer and pressing my lips to his.


Hope you liked it!
danisometimeswrites helped me out A LOT with this one. Also I'm really sorry I took forever!

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