Imagine 27 - You Left Me

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This was requested by lifeupdates_ness , hope you like it!

I had arrived to Neverland on my Dad's ship with my family quite a while ago. Pan had taken me. My parents Killian and Emma, told me not to come with them, but I insisted, and look where I am now.

I woke up on the forest floor, I new exactly where I was, the last thing I remembered was being on the ship, I was told not to leave. I shot up reaching for my sword, and it was gone, I looked for my dagger, and it was also gone. My backup dagger was gone too. As I stood up and looked around I saw several boys, the lost boys. I double checked myself for weapons to defend myself and found nothing. "Where is he?" I asked. I was asking about Pan.

"Don't worry, I'm right here." Said Pan as he emerged from the forest.

"What do you want? And where's my sword?" I said. I got to my feet.

"I don't want anything from you, it's just part of the game. You know, give your parents something to be puzzled over."

"What did you do to them!?" I questioned and took a step closer to him.

"I took you." He said, also walking closer.

"Bring me back." I demanded.

"I wouldn't count on that."

*flashback over*

It had been two years at least since I was kidnapped by Pan. I hadn't heard anything from my parents, but I still had my hope. Pan tried to make me lose hope so many times, and he still tried.
"Nessie." Pan said. I turned and looked in reply. "Follow me." He said. I hesitantly did as he asked. I assumed this was another trick to make me loose my hope. We walked all the way into the dark forest.

"What is this about?" I asked. He kept stepping closer until I could feel his breath. I didn't move a muscle. His forehead touched mine, and before I could tell what was even going on, we were kissing. I pulled myself closer to him by wrapping my arms around his top half while his hands found my waist. We both finally gasped for breath. I looked at him. He smirked and disappeared in a cloud of green smoke.

I sat cross legged on the forest floor while I was shaping sticks into spears, still shocked from what had happened yesterday with Pan. Felix emerged from the forest. I stood up wiping the dirt off of my pants. I approached him. "Felix, is this good enough?" I said showing him the several spears I had made.

"That's fine for now, go lace them in dreamshade." He replied. I nodded and started walking through the humid forest.

I finally reached the dreamshade and I began lacing the spears, when I heard someone behind me. I pulled my dagger and looked around suspiciously. When finally a woman and a man emerged from the trees. Without thinking twice I dropped what I was doing and went after one of them with my dagger. She pulled out a sword, and then the man lifted me off of her from behind, I fought back until I heard his voice. "Nessie stop it's us!" I stopped struggling immediately when I realized who it was.

"Mom?" I questioned as I looked at her. We were both breathing heavily. She just smiled and pulled me into a tight hug. I released and turned to my Dad, without hesitation I wrapped my arms around him and closed my eyes, still trying to catch my breath.

"Not to ruin this but, we have to go." My Mom said with slight worry in her eyes. I nodded without thinking and followed them. We got on my Dad's ship, and as they prepared to leave. I looked at the island remembering the night before I had with Pan. I started to regret this, but by the time I could give it any thought we were already going through a portal.

At home I had a lot of people to greet, everyone had aged, turns out I was gone three and a half years. But I hadn't aged at all. I got home and several people were waiting. The first person I hugged was Henry who seemed so much older, and then my grandparents, and baby Neil who was now a toddler, and the list felt like forever, also everyone except me was up for a celebration.
When I went upstairs and locked my bedroom door, my parents got the idea that I didn't want to socialize and everyone was sent home. My Mom came upstairs and asked to talk to me, so I let her. "Are you okay?" She asked, I simply gave her a sarcastic look which read no.

"I just need to sleep, in a real bed." I said. She understood and left me alone. I ended up laying on the floor since the bed felt too soft. I couldn't stop thinking about what I had done to Pan, and what he would do, and if I was safe. I had an unsure feeling of being watched.
The next day my Mom got me therapy sessions with Archie, I was going to need a lot of them.

After twelve months of being home I had adjusted well, I still needed therapy and I still didn't go back to school.

I walked out to the shed to get something and I could feel someone watching me. I continued carefully and that's when he pulled my back to his chest and covered my mouth. I tried to struggle but it was useless. My heart was racing and I could barely breath. He pinned me to the side of the house and slowly removed his hand, I knew better than to scream. "What are you doing here?" I asked breathlessly.

"You left me Nessie, heartbroken, I actually thought you loved me, why did you leave?" He said with sadness in his voice.

"What are you doing here?" I repeated. Without saying a word Pan crashed his lips to mine. I kissed back and hugged him just like I did the first time. His hands found my hips again. I seemed to forget everything else around me, almost as if I had never been home.

Hope you liked that!

No, there is no part 2.

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