Imagine 16- Toture and Tease

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Hello my loves! Hope you enjoy this!

I heard Felix coming after me so I started running. He was catching up so I took all the energy I had and ran as fast as I could. Suddenly I felt something grab the back of my shirt and pull me to the ground. He had caught me. He pulled my back to his chest. I tried to struggle but it was useless. He tied my hands behind me and shoved me forward to start walking. "Come on. We're going to see Pan." He said. Those words made my stomach drop. I turned around.

"I don't think that's necessary." I panicked. He shoved me so I'd face forward again. Throughout the walk he was constantly poking me in the back with his club and telling me to go faster.

We arrived at Pan's thinking tree, I stopped with fear. Felix pushed his club into my back forcing me to go. I walked under the tree with Felix close behind me. Pan was standing with his back to us. Felix pushed me to the ground causing me to fall hard on my knees. I stared at the ground. "She tried to escape again." Felix's voice echoed.

"I was on a walk and you chased me! That's why I started running!"

"Shut up." Felix said and pushed the club into my back again. I looked up and Pan turned around. He walked over and looked down at me. He signaled Felix to leave and fear struck me. Why would he need me alone. I looked at the ground.

"Face me." Pan said. I slowly lifted my head and met his eyes.

"So are you going to untie me?" I asked. He ignored me.

"So you tried to escape again?" Pan asked.

"I didn't try to escape, I swear. I was on a walk." I replied.

"I don't believe you."

"I'm telling the truth! Where could I have possibly been escaping to?" I begged. Pan called Felix back and he grabbed my arm and dragged me away, Pan followed. We got to a spot in the woods with cages and I knew what was going to happen next. "No please don't, I didn't do anything." Felix shoved me into the cage.

"That will show you your place." Pan said. I tried to struggle. "Struggling isn't worth it."

"Yeah well I've got nothing better to do." With that he kicked the cage. And the two of them started walking off. "You can't just leave me here!" Pan turned around.

"Watch me."

After at least a couple hours I decided to attempt my escape again. I kicked the sides of the cage and pushed with all my strength but it was useless. I heard something in the trees. It was Felix. "Pan wants to see you again." He said.

"What could he possibly want now." I questioned. Felix ignored me and unlocked the cage. He pulled me out by the arm. So I took to opportunity to run. I broke from his grip and started running.

"You're going to regret that!" Felix yelled after me. Then I heard his footsteps catching up to me. I kept running until he pulled me to the ground again, this time pinning me down. "Pan is going to deal with you." I was about to reply when Felix stood up and swung his club at me. Then I blacked out.

I woke up under Pan's thinking tree. I sat up and immediately got a head rush. I winced and laid back down. Pan stood above me. He grabbed my arms and pulled me up. I winced again and tightly shut my eyes trying to ease my head pain but it didn't work. He pulled me to my feet and I took a minute to find my balance. "What do you want?" I demanded.

"Why'd you try to escape?"

"I don't know, because you locked me in a cage and all you've done is tortured me since I got here." He grabbed me and pinned me against the tree. He pulled out a dagger and threatened me with it. He cut deep into my face causing blood to run down my forehead. Tears fell down my face. "Please just leave me alone." I begged. He told me to get out so I did. I ran to my tent.

I sat on the floor of my tent cleaning the cut on my face until Felix walked in. "Get out." I said without hesitation.

"I was sent by Pan again." He said.

"What could he possibly want from me now?" I asked.

"I don't know just come on make this easy." Felix said. I sighed stood up and followed him. We arrived at the training area where Pan was waiting. I don't know why we weren't at the tree but I didn't ask. Felix left me with Pan.

"What do you want from me?" I asked. He turned around and walked up to me.

"Sorry about your cut." He apologized and put his hand on my forehead and healed it. I didn't reply. "So how've you been?" He teased.

"I'm not playing your games." I said.

"Are you sure? We could have some fun." He continued.

"What do you want?" I said.

"You never told me how you got here."

I rolled my eyes. "We've been through this before. I don't know. And didn't you bring me here? Also I don't think you can be questioning me, I don't know why I'm on your island or why you won't leave me alone, and especially why am I here?"

"The truth is this." He said while messing with his dagger. He tucked it onto his belt and pinned me to a tree then leaned in for a kiss. I pushed my hand on his chest and rejected him then shoved him out of the way and started walking away. He bit his lip and rested his arm against the tree. All I could think of was that I could never look at him the same way again.


Ha ha fooled you with a teasing plot twist😝 keep voting! We just reached 3.75k!

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