Chapter 2 - Welcome To The New Age

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"And your winner, Brie Bella!" Justin Roberts announced as Brie's hand was raised in victory.

I hit my head on the apron and yelled in anger. That was the third match Tamina had lost. She was on a terrible losing streak and I needed someone who would always win. I was the divas champion after all. Nikki and Brie walked up the ramp with their hands in the air. I slid into the ring and looked down at Tamina. I shook my head at the Samoan female. I walked over to the other side of the ring as asked for a microphone. I took it off a referee and turned back to look at Tamina who was still sitting on the ground holding her head.

"Do you know why I hired you as my protector?" I asked her.

She nodded her head but I knew she was lying. I rolled my eyes at her as she called for a microphone.

"To keep you safe" She replied.

"From who?" I questioned her.

"The total divas" She told me with a confused look on her face.

"Who are the total divas, name them all for me" I snapped.

"Cameron, Naomi, Natayla, Eva Marie, Summer Rae, Nikki Bella and Brie Bella" Tamina answered me.

"Who just beat you?" I asked her.

"Brie Bella" She mumbled.

"Who beat you last week?" I questioned.

"Naomi" She murmured.

"And the week before that?" I asked her with a pissed look in my eyes.

"Natayla" She almost whispered.

"You have lost too many times to those total divas, next week you'll probably loose to Eva Marie" I snapped making the crowd laugh. "I'm sick of hearing their music being played twice and seeing you lying on the ground, I hired you to help me take down all of those idiots but your doing the what I told you not to do. You're becoming weaker and weaker by day, I don't want a loser like you in my corner, I need a winner like myself. You had your chance at the Women's Title but somehow you lost the match and you let Paige retain. Your useless, you can't do anything, I don't need you, you are fired" I smirked.

The crowd went wild at my last three words. Tamina sat there in shock as I smirked at her. I didn't need her, I had someone else are should I say some other people.

"If you leave me you'll have no one, nothing!" Tamina hissed standing up.

"You see Tamina, that's were your wrong, I've got someone else who's better than you, I've got someone else who will be able to protect me, I've got someone who can get the job done" I smirked.

"Which diva is better than me?" She growled.

"I never said diva" I smiled evilly as the crowd roared.

"Which superstar is better than me" She spat.

"My dear Tamina they're are three superstars that are much better than you" I grinned as the crowd went wild.







The Shield.

Their music played and the crowd went mental. I smirked as Tamina backed herself into a corner. I skipped over to the ropes and sat in between them as the boys jumped over the barricade and glared at Tamina. They jumped up on the apron and looked at the straight haired Samoan. Dean was first into the ring followed by Seth followed by Roman who got the loudest cheer. As soon as boys made a line in front of Tamina she slid out of the ring with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and jumped off the ropes and joined the boys as Tamina backed her way back down the ramp smirking.

"Since you think that your so much better than me, how about you out your money where your mouth is and put that title on the line at WrestleMania" Tamina yelled as the crowd chanted yes.

I smirked at the crowd and then looked at the boys.

"You're on" I smiled before I dropped the microphone making the crowd roar. Dean and Seth lifted me up on their shoulders as Roman clapped for me. I held my title up high in the air as I glared at Tamina. The Shield's music played and as Dean and Seth put me down Roman held his fist out. Seth and Dean out their fists in and Dean smiled at me. I smiled back before I put my fist in. Seth let go and grabbed the microphone that I threw on the ground.

"Tamina" He spoke. "You have no idea what your singing up for, at WrestleMania AJ will retain he title and you will lose. You will be left lying on the ground hurt, and you will then know that your worthless" Seth smirked before he gave the microphone to Dean.

"You have no chance in hell my dear because we all know that you don't believe in the Shield, but by WrestleMania, you will or we'll make you" Dean grinned as Roman took the microphone.

"Welcome to the new age, and in the new age you better Believe in The Shield" Roman smirked as the music played again. I laughed at her before doing a few skips around the boys stopping beside Dean. I looked up at him and he looked down at me. I looked down at Tamina who was glaring at me. She always had a crush on Dean but she never had the guts to talk to him. I looked back at Dean before I grabbed him by his hoodie and his lips connected with mine.

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