One More Night *Coming Soon* (WWE)

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"GET OUT!" I yelled at Dean as I threw his shirt at him.

"HOW IN THE NAME OF HELL DO YOU THINK I FEEL?!" Dean yelled back at me as he put his shirt on.

"I can't believe that we did that, we already broke up your dating Summer, I'm dating Randy..." I stuttered.

"I'm gonna get my ass kicked if Randy finds out" Dean paced as he zipped up his jeans.

"Summer's gonna kill me" I moaned.

"AJ please, you'll be fine with Summer I have Randy" Dean snapped.

"Randy's a breeze, but have you seen Summer when she gets mad?!" I asked him.

"Stop, AJ just stop" Dean told me as he let go of his belt.

"What?" I asked him.

"What if this was meant to be?" He asked me.

"What if what was meant to be?" I questioned.

"Us, you and me, Dean and AJ" Dean explained.

"Dean we already tried, it didn't work out" I sighed.

"Then but what about now?" He questioned.

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