Chapter 3 - Wild Heart

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I stood outside The Shield's locker room with my stuff as I tapped my foot. I could hear them mumbling and talking about me. It was obvious that Dean didn't want to be any were near me after that kiss. Stephanie did say our story line started on Monday and well it's Monday.

"Come on Dean, it's a story line, that's the only reason she kissed you" Seth sighed.

"I would rather not share a locker room with her" Dean hissed.

"Dean, Hunter and Stephanie says that she has too, we didn't make the rules up" Roman snapped at him.

"Oh please, you only want her in her because you like her" Dean spat.

"Well, I'm with Paige and Roman's married" Seth growled.

"I'd rather share a locker room with Paige, can we asked Stephanie to have her instead of AJ?" Dean asked the boys.

"Dean, if we play our cards right we might have both girls on our team, come on, Paige is like your best friend, all you have to do is kiss AJ, be all couply with her and as soon as walk back through that curtain you can avoid her all you want" Roman told Dean.

"If you do that we'll ask Stephanie can we have Paige too, deal?" Seth asked Dean.

"Deal" Dean mumbled. "But does she really have to be in our locker room?" Dean questioned.

"Dean" Both men groaned.

"You do know that I can hear everything, right?" I asked them.

There was no reply but I could tell that they were mouthing curse words to each other and Dean was telling them not to open the door.

"I've broken down doors before" I smirked.

The lock opened, but then it closed. It opened again, and closed. Opened, closed. Opened, closed. Opened, closed. Opened, closed.

"Dean just step away from the door and let me in" I hissed.

"You heard the lady, move" Seth spoke in a high pitched voice, probably trying to mock me.

The door finally opened and Seth Rollins of The Shield stood in front of me. He had a smirk on his face as I tapped my foot.

"I've heard better impressions" I smirked as I brushed past him and a chuckling Roman.

Seth closed the door and made a face at me as I took my stuff out. May I add, I had my back to them. Just remember that.

"Seth, did you forget that women have eyes at the back of their heads?" I asked him as I slowly turned around on my heel to face Seth pulling some strange face.

He paused before he turned away and walked over to his stuff.

"That's what I thought" I smirked before turning back to my stuff.

The room was silent and the only thing you could hear was the sound of my hands rummaging through my bag. I could feel Dean's eyes on my like two lasers. I smirked as I put my spare pare of Chuck Taylor's in some top closet.

"What's this I heard about Paige?" I asked the boys as I closed the doors to the closet.

"We asked Stephanie a while back if we could have Paige on our team and she said only if we take another diva" Seth started.

"That diva was you, we have to go three months with you and then we get Paige" Roman finished.

"Why do you want Paige so bad?" I asked them as I sat on some steel chair.

"Have you seen her fight?" Seth asked me.

"Yeah, but her matches are always so short" I replied.

"Did you not see her match for the women's title at Summer Slam?" Roman asked me.

"No, I was injured and I couldn't bare to watch Summer Slam" I replied.

"You have to see it" Seth smiled as he took out his laptop.

I looked at him as he carefully typed in Paige's name and Natayla's name. I heard about the match and that I had to watch it but I never got time to, I was always busy trying to retain my divas title.

"Here it is" Seth mumbled as he clicked on the match.

"You watching Dean?" Roman asked the lunatic fringe of the Shield.

Dean shook his head but his eyes were glued to me. Wouldn't blame him after that kiss. I watched the match and I could see why the boys wanted her on their team. Paige was amazing. She won the women's title all by herself, no help what so ever. I mean I did win the divas title by myself but this match was breath taking. I watched as Paige somehow made her way out of Natayla's sharp shooter and caught the Queen of Hearts with the Paige-Turner. After the pin the crowd went crazy. Paige's tears fell down her face as she was handed her first women's title. I now knew what the boys felt. We were getting that girl on our team.

"That's why we want Paige" Roman smirked.

"We're getting her" I told the boys.

"All you two have to do is kiss and keep those damn titles you have" Seth smiled.

"I'll keep this title for as long as I can if it means that I have Paige on my team" I replied.

"That's what we want to hear, now go pack up and we'll meet you in the parking lott" Seth grinned as he closed his laptop and threw it back in his bag. Roman and Dean picked up there stuff and headed for the door, well I thought Dean left.

"Impressive, right?" His voice spoke from behind me.

I turned around on my heel and saw him standing there.

"Didn't you just leave?" I asked him.

"I forgot something" Dean smirked as he walked closer to me.

"What?" I questioned the sandy haired man.

"This" he replied before he pulled me into him. His lips hit mine before I could say anything. I felt surprised at the start but as the kiss became longer I kissed him back. I jumped up in his arms and he held me. I felt his tongue travel over my bottom lip and I knew that it wanted an entry. I opened my mouth and let it in. He felt so damn good. He pulled away and I hoped off him. He smirked at me before he bent down and whispered something in my ear.

"You need a wild heart, and I've got a wild heart."

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