Chapter 1 - The Only Reason

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"NO!" I yelled as Paul and Stephanie smiled at me.

"I can't believe I'm actually going to say this but yes" Stephanie chuckled.

"I am not working with that idiot!" I snapped pointing over at my ex.

"Idiot?!" Dean's pale blue eyes had a icy sting to them as he glared at me.

"Yes idiot, Stephanie I can't work with him" I moaned.

"I'm sorry AJ but it's best for business" She grinned.

"Can I not kiss Seth or Roman?" I asked them as the two toned blushed and the power house smirked.

"AJ, Listen, if I could I would take you out of this, the WWE Universe think that you don't need a man to be the top diva but sadly my dad thinks differently" Stephanie sighed.

Both Dean and I groaned. I swore that I would never look at him again never mind kiss him. I was with Randy Orton anyway. There was nothing I could do. I had to kiss Dean Ambrose.

"Fine" I huffed as Dean shot up in his chair and looked at me.

"What do you mean 'fine'?" Dean questioned me.

"If you wanna lose your job then fine, I would like to keep mine on the other hand" I snapped.

"She has a point" Roman spoke from behind.

"Thank you Roman" I grinned sticking my tongue out at Dean.

"Your such a child" He hissed.

"Says the one who had a hissy fit in the middle of the airport because he lost a thumb war to a five year old" I smirked causing Seth and Roman to chuckle behind us.

"Shut up" Dean hissed at the boys.

"It's the truth, so you can either suck it up and kiss me, or you can lose your job" I spat as a smile formed on Stephanie's face.

"Just say yes already" Seth sighed.

"Shut up Seth" Dean snapped.

"Jeez it must be someone's time" I chuckled.

"Watch it Lee" He warned me.

"Or what?" I questioned him.

"You really don't wanna know" Dean hissed.

"Let me guess, a slap on the wrist?" I smirked.

"More than to the wrist" He spoke slowly.

"You don't have the heart to hit me" I chuckled.

"Who said I never did?" Dean questioned as he leaned forward in his chair.

"No one had to tell me, you just haven't gotten over me" I whispered as I leaned forward now being face to face with him.

His hot breath was hitting me face, then it was gone and it hit me again. A smirk formed on his face as his pale blue eyes hit my dark soft brown eyes. I returned his smirk before his lips parted.

"Fine" He spoke not breaking eye contact with me.

My smirk turned into a glare with a evil grin as he fell back in his chair. My eyes followed him before I looked over at Stephanie and Paul who were smiling.

"Great, your story line begins on Monday, you may now be excused" Stephanie grinned as a women opened the door for us.

I got of the soft, plush, leather chair and slowly exited the room. I was followed by a smirking Seth.

"What are you smirking at?" I asked him.

"Welcome to The Shield" He grinned as Roman walked up behind him with the same look on his face.

I smiled at them before Dean pushed through them. He pushed me into a walk holding both of my hands above my head.

"Listen here AJ, you mess this up your dead, you hear me?" He threatened.

"Oh I hear you loud and clear, but if you mess this up for me, your dead" I replied.

"Dean?" A clueless voice spoke.

Dean let go of me and looked away at his blonde, buffoon girlfriend Summer Rae.

"Babe" He grinned.

"Why were you holding AJ up against the wall?" She asked him as her stupid little pink number shined, nearly blinding me.

"Story line, how was your segment?" He asked her.

"Oh, and it was great, people love me" She smiled throwing back her bleach blonde hair.

"Of course they do, you ready to win that divas title?" Dean asked her with a smirk.

"And we become the power couple of WWE of course" She grinned as Dean walked over to her.

"That's my girl" He whispered before planting a kiss on her lips.

I covered my eyes as the two were having a full make out session in the middle of the hallway. Seth and Roman rolled their eyes at the couple.

"Get a room" I snapped at them.

"Get a life" Dean snapped back.

I scoffed as Summer stuck her tongue back down Dean's neck. To think, I used to sleep with him.

"Do they always do this?" I asked Seth.

"All the time" Seth nodded.

"Do they have to be so public?" I now asked Roman.

"Sadly, yes" Roman sighed.

"When I was with Dean we weren't so public" I spoke as Dean stopped kissing Summer.

"We changed. Something snapped inside of him when you left him" Seth explained.

"See you later babe" Dean kissed Summer's check before she skipped of back to Fandango.

"Really?" I questioned the boys.

"Yeah, he's a different man now" Roman answered.

"Shut up" Dean hissed.

"I'd rather not" I replied.

"Bite your tongue" He snapped.

"No" I smirked.

"Watch what you say" He warned me for a second time.

"I do, it's you who has to watch what come's out of his mouth" I chuckled.

"I do not" He snapped.

"And again with the hissy fits" I mumbled.

"Shut it AJ" He hissed.

"Shut what?" I questioned.

"Shut your damn mouth before I make you" Dean growled.

I looked at him. His eyes full of rage. His fist's were clenched as he looked back at me. I took a step towards him. His eyes following my gaze. I stood up on tip-toe to reach his ear.

"Your so not over me Ambrose" I whispered with a smirk.

I felt a shiver go through his body before I skipped off. All I knew was that I was going to have some fun with this story line.   

One More Night (WWE) [on hold]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora