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And maybe I was wrong. I only remember feeling so alone.

Than collapses onto the rotting bench with his head clasped between his shaking palms. His breathing is sharp and breathlessly uneven, but he does nothing to prevent the oncoming panic attack.



Breathe, he tells himself.

...but he can't.

Images of unfamiliar people swarm around in his mind. He attempts to place common names with the disappearing faces, but they glide away too quickly for his squinted eyes to settle on one. A buzzing noise flutters in his ears, and the cool breeze slits through his clothing, but he remains, mourning the remembrance of his forgetfulness.

Than remembers... that he forgot.

All those years ago, the memories simply left him, after a kick to the head and a punch to the throat, but who was it? He had tried asking his lovely mother, in desperate need of an answer, but the sobs escaped her chest too suddenly for her to reply to his rage-filled questions.

Than can't remember. Why the hell can't he remember?

Than hunches over, gripping his throbbing head even tighter than before. He rocks his shivering body back and forth, attempting to ease the aching pressure in his forehead. Voices, now, murmur in his ears, whispering strands of truthful lies.

"It was him."

"He did it."


"Why?" Than pitifully shouts back, his voice raw from unshed tears. "Why?"




Than lifts his head, in hopes of painless relief, but finds himself staring straight at the form of a girl. She is standing dangerously close to the edge of the bridge, easing herself further and further away from stable ground. Than rises to his feet instantly, noticing the snot-mixed tears streaming down her flushed cheeks. He doesn't know her, he assumes, but, as the gentleman he is, he cautiously approaches her.

Long black hair.

Shady grey eyes.

She looks familiar, but who is she?

Who is she?


...and she jumps.

the end

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