[m/n]- you're going to kill me

Kageyama- Why, I thought you already knew these stuff, aren't we best friends or something...

[m/n]- (o///////o) if official, Kageyama Tobio has killed me

[m/n]- this is too much for my heart, it feels like I've been shot, call 911!

Kageyama- what the hell are you going on about?

[m/n]- nothing~ it's just... forget it

Kageyama- tell me

[m/n]- no

Kageyama- tell me dumbass

[m/n]- fine.... jeez

[m/n]- it's just since the match we had with each other there's been something brothering me, but after texting you I feel better and more relax.

Kageyama- what was bothering you?

[m/n]- ....new phone who dis?

Kageyama- [m/n]!

[m/n]- jeez I'll tell you, don't get you panties in a twist

Kageyama- (-__-) wtf

[m/n]- haha, but anyways, I've been thinking about our third year in junior high, I thought that maybe... you only saw me as a minion or a chess piece, I thought maybe you didn't see me as a friend anymore and that now... you only see as a rival, just another bridge to cross, an ex-teammate. It made me feel uneasy and I get nauseous thinking about it.

[m/n]- but when you said you want to toss to me again and that you called me your best friend, I felt so happy and those thought vanished.

Kageyama- Oh


[m/n]- don't hate me

Kageyama- I could never hate you... even if I tried, but I just wanna know, what put those thoughts in you're mind

[m/n]- oh... something that Nii-san said to me in the game and also Kunimi and Kindaichi

Kageyama- oh makes sense, just so you know, I never really did see you as a minion or chess piece, I not only saw you as my best friend, but my partner... so don't worry about what those three may have said :)

[m/n]- TOBIO~!!!!

 Kageyama- what the hell?! are you ok?

[m/n]- I'm so damn happy I can't even!

Kageyama- because you can't 'odd'?

[m/n]- why. just why.


[m/n]- you fucking nerd...

[m/n]- Anyways... it's almost midnight and we have school and shit tmr, I wish we could text more, but I'll text you tmr for sure! 

Kageyama- Oyasumi (good night)

[m/n]- Oyasumi! hope you dream about me tonight ;) 


[m/n]- sweet dreams Tobio-chan~

=====11:44 p.m.=====

Narrator's POV

Oikawa walked past [m/n]'s room and saw that the lights were still on, he knocked on the door and slowly opened it, to see [m/n] sitting with crossed legs in his pajamas on the bed with red puffy eyes and a huge smile on his face as he was looking at his phone what's up with him? Oikawa thought as he stepped into the room

"are you ok?" Oikawa asks with some concern in his voice "have you been crying?"

[m/n] looked at Oikawa with a high smile on his face before replying "these are tears of joy Nii-san..... tears of joy"

"something to do with Tobio I guess"

"to him we're best friends, he said he wanted to toss to me again" Tears began to fall from his face once again "I'm so fucking happy I don't know what to do" Oikawa walked and sat next to the crying male and hugged him

"You're crying because you're happy, I don't know what to do, but this seemed right" [m/n] hugged him more and simply nodded, they stayed like that for a minute or so before finally letting go. "well you should get some sleep now, we have practice tomorrow and it'll be harder cause we have the spring tournament coming up and someone will be coming back" He patted [m/n] on the head before standing up to leave

"Arigato, Nii-san" [m/n] smiled and went back to lie down in his bed.

"Oyasumi" Oikawa said in a soft voice, he turned off the lights and headed for the door

"Oyasumi Nii-san" [m/n] said in a sleepy voice, the last thing he heard was the sound of the door closing before he dozed off to a deep slumber.

That's the end of the chapter, I know it was shorter than my chapters normally are, but not a lot happened so it wasn't so long, but next chapter might be longer honestly i'm not sure, but you'll find out in my next chapter so yeah....

Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading my story!

Ja ne!


Oikawa's little brother { haikyuu x male reader }Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt