ned's hat - p.p •

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H/t : hometown
Y/n : your name
L/n : (your) last name

Peter Parker's POV

"Ned you look ridiculous in that hat." I chuckled.

"No I don't. This hat works." Ned said looking at a girl and waving.

She waved back, smiling.

"See! It works." Ned said.

"It was luck." I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"No it wasn't, clearly chicks dig hats." Ned said.

"Can your hat get me a drink?" I asked him.

He narrowed his eyes at me, mumbling something, and walking toward the kitchen.

I checked the time, 9:12.

"It's not even 10?" I asked myself, groaning.

"Why in such a rush? Bedtime?" I looked up and saw a girl I've never seen before.

"W-What.. Um no... Who are you?" I asked.

"Y/n, also known as Liz's cousin." She said, pointing toward Liz.

"N-Nice to meet you. You have a beautiful face." I said.

My eyes widened once I realized what I said.

"I-I meant name!" I said quickly.

She raised an eyebrow and smiled.

"I mean you're beautiful too but.. I'll just stop talking." I said, mentally face palming myself.

I'm such an idiot.

"Y/N!" someone yelled.

"If you're still here later run into me okay?" she asked walking away.

"O-Okay!" I yelled.

Ned returned with two sodas, handing me one.

"Who was that beauty?" Ned asked.

"Y/n." I said.

"Does she like legos?" Ned asked.

"Ned no!" I yelled looking at him.

He burst out in a fit of laughter.

"Hey Penis Parker! You can make your buddy laugh why don't you crack a joke for the whole party!" Flash's irritating voice yelled through the mic.

"Drop dead Flash." I looked up and saw Y/n.

"Wait who are you?" Flash asked.

"Turn the music back on loser!" Someone yelled making Flash slowly turn the music back up.

"Should I go talk to her?" I asked Ned.

He nodded his head, taking his hat off and slowly putting it on my head.

"Don't." I said to which Ned pulled his hat back from me, placing it on his head.

"Now you won't get her number." Ned said.

"Just for that Im gonna get her number." I said, striding over toward Y/n.

My brain didn't catch up until I tapped her shoulder and she turned around.

"Oh hey." she smiled.

"H-Hey." I smiled back.

"What's up?" she asked.

"I realized that I didn't tell you my name earlier." I said.

God I'm such an idiot.

"I'm Peter, Peter Parker." I said.

"Y/n L/n." she smiled, shaking my hand.

"What do you think of this party?" I asked her.

"Kind of lame. Parties back at my place are way better." she said, looking around.

"Where you from?" I asked her.

"H/t." she said.

I nodded my head, "You'll have to show me one of these "amazing parties" sometime." I said making her laugh.

My smile grew, she was laughing because I made her laugh.

"Sure. It'll be fun. Your cowboy can come too." she said, pointing toward Ned's direction.

I chuckled, "Thats Ned." I said.

"I like his hat." Y/n said, still looking at Ned.

"How long are you in town?" I asked her, changing the subject.

"A week I want to say." She said, taking a drink of her soda.

I nodded my head and noticed Ned walking toward us.

"Hey Peter. Hey Y/n." Ned said, smiling at Y/n.

"Hey." Y/n and I said in sync.

"Can Peter get your number?" Ned asked straight forward.

My eyes widened as I choked on my drink.

"Ned!" I yelled, feeling my cheeks turn red.

"What! I know you'll be upset later and be complaining for a month about how you didn't get her number!" Ned said as Y/n was looking at both of us.

Y/n walked away making me groan.

"Great now she thinks we're losers." I said, rubbing my eyes.

"Actually I think you guys are pretty cool." Y/n said.

I looked up and saw her with a sharpie.

She grabbed my hand, holding onto my wrist and wrote her number on my arm.

"Give me a call alright?" she asked as I nodded my head in disbelief that a girl just gave me her number.

"See ya cowboy. Bye Peter." she smiled, walking away with her drink.

"I just got her number!" I yelled.

"I think we both know why." Ned said, pointing toward his hat.

"I'm not thanking your hat." I said, walking away from him.


Peter Parker aka Tom Holland aka my mAnz

Peter Parker aka Tom Holland aka my mAnz

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hes so fine

gotta blast!!🦑

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