busted ☼ e.d.

278 12 11

ethan dolan

it was times like this where just sitting on the roof was the cure for just about anything. gazing at the inky blue sky with scattered stars by itself would make all your problems flow away into the abyss.

i was distancing myself so i didn't have to deal with the shit underneath me. drunk frat boys and girls having their parties, and occasionally them having to go throw up outside. oh god, i felt bad for the people that had to clean it up or even look at it, let alone the person that did it. hell, i felt bad for myself for having to witness it.

it was the perfect alone time when you learned how to tune all the loud music and people out of your head. even better when the music would cut off, and the RA's would rush them all out. even something like sitting on the roof gave you a new perspective. it made you realize how small things can be.

it was also the perfect alone time, until i heard someone coming up the ladder that i came up from. fuck, it would probably be my luck for it to be an ra, please don't be an RA. the tall silhouette stood up to its full height, making my heart drop to the pit of my stomach. it got closer, my anxiety rising with every little step it took.

"look, i'm really sorry for being on the roof, i-i was just getting some fresh air. i really don't want to get in trouble," what a dumb reason to be sorry for! i guess i got caught up in the moment, such an idiot move.

i stand up quickly, almost falling in the process. the figure rushes over to me to keep me in place.

"woah woah woah! i'm not an RA i promise." he laughs. "i haven't even talked to you yet, don't try to jump off quite yet."
i laugh along with him, i started to calm down more and more.

"you almost gave me a heart attack. i swear, my life flashed before my eyes." i say as i sit down. he sits down next to me. i could barely make him out, let alone see what he looked like.

"i bet it did! you almost fell off the damn roof," he chuckles. "it'd be a pretty long fall."

"hey, if i were lucky enough maybe i'd fall on someone to break my fall."

"oooh! especially that girl. fuck her, she looks like a bitch." he points to one of the sorority girls downing another drink. it was like the seventh one, who knows what's in it. she stumbles back inside, almost tripping over her high stilettos.

"anyways, i'm ethan. that way you don't have to refer to me as 'the non RA guy who saved my life'." you could hear the smirk in his voice.

"[y/n], and even if i didn't know your name, i would most likely not refer to you as that." i laugh.

there was a long silence before he decided to talk again. "what brings you up here?"

"stress. anxiety. all of the above."

"sounds about right for me too. college is stressful, it should have been in the fine print."

"right?" i sigh. "i had this perfect picture of what college should be like, but, it's just not like that at all. so many things you're not prepared for come your way. unfortunately."

"nothing worth attaining comes easy [y/n]."

"you sound a lot like my father," i scoff. "you don't look like the type of guy that would say something like that."

"funny. because you can't see me. majoring in comedy i see." he responds dryly, but he still laughs at the end of his sentence.

"obviously. what about you, mr. i know everything."

"me? i'm just keeping an eye on my brother. you get a better look from up here. partying is definitely not my forte."

i nod in agreement. "i get where you're coming from."

"fuck." ethan mumbles, standing up abruptly.

"what's wrong?" i ask, concern laced in my voice.

"you see the guy vomiting all over the lawn? that's him. i should probably go take him back to our room." he groans. "listen, ill see you in ten? in this spot?"

"cant wait." i say as he carefully walks back to the step ladder. "see you soon 'the non RA guy that saved my life'." i laugh, and he shakes his head.

"such a comedian you are [y/n]." and with that, he steps down the ladder, and into the unknown. this time, the loneliness seemed a little more lonely, but not for long.

HIIII first imagine of mine! thoughts?

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