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I think we have a problem.


NXT Takeover: San Antonio

After giving The Revival their rematch on a weekly episode of NXT, DIY were preparing to defend their titles against the Authors of Pain the night before the Royal Rumble.

DIY would have Jordan in their corner, as they usually did. The Authors of Pain would have the legendary Paul Ellering in their corner. Based on the previous matches the team had had, Jordan knew she'd have to keep an eye out for Paul.

The Authors of Pain had torn through every team that had been in their path in the short amount of time they'd been in NXT, including beating TM61 to win the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic.  They had an undefeated streak on their side.

Jordan stood backstage with Johnny.  Roderick Strong and Andrade "Cien" Almas were currently in the ring, and once they finished, the tag title match would commence.  The two of them were waiting for Tommaso to arrive.  Jordan wasn't actually sure where he was, but she didn't really question it.

"I should be in the Royal Rumble," Jordan thought out loud.

Johnny looked over at her, an amused yet confused look on his face. "What?"

"Tomorrow," She elaborated. "They should let me be in the Royal Rumble match.  I can come out at number thirty, shocking everybody."

"It's not that I don't think you could eliminate everybody all by yourself," He told her. "But I doubt they're going to let you in the match."

"Why not?"

"Well, to start with, you're in NXT," He said. "You're not even on the main roster, and you've only been here for a few months.  Not everyone is going to know you.  If they were planning on having another lady in the Rumble, they'd probably choose someone on the main roster.  Or Asuka."

"I've changed my mind," She said. "I want Asuka to be in the Royal Rumble, instead."

"It's not that I disagree with you," A voice behind Jordan said, and when she turned around, it was Tommaso, "But why would Asuka be in the Royal Rumble?"

"Why wouldn't she be in the Royal Rumble?" Jordan countered.

"Were you really expecting a different answer?" Johnny asked, a smirk on his face.

"One of these days..." Tommaso mumbled, shaking his head.  Jordan laughed.

A few seconds later, Andrade Almas walked backstage, and shortly after, Roderick Strong arrived, too.

"I guess it's our time now," Jordan said.

"It's always our time," Johnny corrected, and his hands found his way to the NXT tag title wrapped around his waist.

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