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Every time I look over at you, you're staring at him.


There was a knock at the door.

Jordan stopped what she was doing in the kitchen and walked over to the apartment door.  She opened it, and she smiled when she saw Adrienne.

"Hey, come in!" She greeted, and moved out of the way.

Roadblock: End of the Line was that night, and Jordan had invited a few people over to watch it.  She had finally finished moving into her apartment, and everything was where it was supposed to be.

Adrienne was the first to arrive, and she followed Jordan as she walked back to the kitchen.

She spotted the bags of chips Jordan had on the counter.

"Are you trying to fatten me up before my title match?" She joked, smirking and crossing her arms.

"Is it that obvious?" Jordan asked, picking up one of the bags and opening it.  She took out a potato chip and ate it.

"That's a lot of chips."

The voice didn't come from the kitchen, and Jordan and Adrienne both looked at each other in confusion.  A few seconds later, Tommaso came into view.

"You didn't even knock before you came in," Jordan told him.

"You didn't even lock the door," He pointed out. "Maybe you should do that if you don't want people just walking in."

"Who tries opening the door before knocking?" Jordan asked.

"Were you trying to rob her?" Adrienne asked.

"I wanted to make sure you were locking your door," He explained. "I don't want you getting robbed in the future."

Jordan narrowed her eyes at him. "Yeah, okay." There was a knock at the door. "At least Johnny knows how to knock."

She walked away, and when she answered the door, she was greeted by Johnny and Candice.

"Hey!" She smiled.  She moved out of the way, letting the two of them inside.

Soon, the pay-per-view started.

The guys were both looking forward to the cruiserweight match, as they were friends with the three people (Rich Swann, TJ Perkins, and Brian Kendrick) in it.  Meanwhile, the women were looking forward to Charlotte and Sasha Banks in a 30-minute Iron Man match.

Needless to say, they were very interested in it.

The first match saw Cesaro and Sheamus trying to end The New Day's historic tag team title reign.  Jordan was definitely interested in this, as Claudio was one of the people who trained her when she first began wrestling, and she was really enjoying his team with Sheamus.

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