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-❝ You need to think about yourself for once

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You need to think about yourself for once.


Jordan had waited too long.

Of course, she didn't even know how she felt until a few weeks ago, but she had still put off telling him. Now, his wedding was tomorrow and she had all these feelings she had kept bottled up inside, and it was going to break her one of these days if she didn't tell him.

She was telling him tonight; she had already decided that, and Tommaso was on board with the idea (actually, he had wanted her to tell him weeks ago, but he figured that this was better than waiting even longer).

Now, though, she was at the Performance Center. There was something she needed to do first.


Jordan sat in her bedroom.

Her phone sat on her bed, in front of her. She had picked it up and set it back down too many times to count. She would plan on calling him, panic, and set her phone back down.

She took a deep breath, and reached for the phone again. When it suddenly began ringing, she jerked her hand back. When she saw that it was Johnny, she picked it up and answered it, before she could regret it.

"Hey," She greeted. "Shouldn't you be worrying about your wedding? What are you doing calling me?" She was joking, of course, but she was surprised that he had called her.

"You're not our manager anymore?" He asked.

"I thought they were going to wait before they told you," She replied.

"But he's telling the truth?"

"Yeah, he is."

"He said that you asked to stop managing," He said. "As soon as possible."

He sounded hurt, and she didn't blame him. The tag team had welcomed her with open arms when they stuck her with them, and they had all grown quite close over the past couple of months. It probably didn't sound good that she had asked to leave her new friends. Jordan knew that she could lie, say that she just wanted to focus on singles competition, maybe go after the NXT Women's Championship. But that wasn't the truth, and she was done lying to him.

"Are you busy?" She asked. "Can we talk?"

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," She replied. "It's just, I'd feel better if I told you face-to-face, you know?"

"Okay, yeah."

He told her that he was at home, because Candice was wanting to stick with the tradition of not seeing him before the wedding.

When they hung up, Jordan set her phone back down on the bed.

She knew that she could just text him, and give him the lie about wanting the title (it was very believable), but she knew she couldn't. No matter how tempting it seemed, she knew it wasn't the right thing to do.

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