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Woojin's Pov
"Why is it that everything, I have, so boring?" I asked to myself as I looked at the clear, plain sky. On the rooftop laid a boy that has already given up on himself. I wanted some excitement consistently surrounding me in my every day life but my reality seems to crush my wishes every day.

I stood up from my resting position and climbed down the roof of the staircase building. As I lay my body against the railing, the wind hit my face. It was the only boring thing I liked - it was soothing and refreshing as if it was like a melody.

I looked down to see how far the ground was, wondering if what would happen next but only sighed at the sport festival preparation below. I foolishly leaned forward and began to play around using the railings. Despite the dangers awaiting upon me if I made one wrong move, the thrill of the unknown made me smile.

3rd Pov
A sound from the door was made as a girl opened the door. However, she stopped once she was in eye contact with the boy. The position the boy was in was dangerous as he was on the edge, barely hanging on with my feet.

"What are you doing?" Woojin realised she was the girl, Hyunmin and everyone was talking about - Choi Jaein. She looked unfazed at his actions and stood there, awaiting for my reply.

"What do you think?"

"A pathetic person, who is running away." He chuckled at her witty remark. Despite Jaein's coldness right now, her eyes showed concern - She might be seen as negative but she isn't a monster.

"Your name is Jaein, right? Do you want to gamble?"

"Why should I gamble with cowards? Come down and I'll gamble with you."

"Because I can take away your debt." Jaein smirked and agreed to his offer. The game was a simple game of 'Odds and Evens' and the rules were easy. But there was a catch... "If you win, I'll take away your debt but I'll jump down. If I win, you need to do me a favour but you also have to jump down."

"What the fuck! Why would I jump down?" Jaein shouted as she heard of these ridiculous conditions. My smile was definitely showing, including my snaggletooth.

"I heard you lost to Bae Jinyoung recently in a game. So including the 88 million won you owe Haeju, you need to 186 million won, right?" Haeju clenched her fists at the amount of debt she was. If only she wasn't so foolish to take on Jinyoung after losing to Haeju, she wouldn't owe so much. Why would she on Hankyeon's Top 6 if she can't even defeat Hankyeon's Top 10?

But she had no choice...

She didn't want to be a coward and run away from him nor be in a position, where she couldn't give back the money she owe to either Na Haeju or Bae Jinyoung. No matter how much she hated the conditions, she wouldn't give up this situation.

"Park Woojin, I accept your terms!"

"The fun has finally started!"

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