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Enjoy chapter 4
Asher's POV:
We were at the recording studio for Johnny's and Jessica's this is going to take for ever since they sometimes goof around but at least my girlfriend is here with me while they were recording me and Peyton went to the cafeteria to get something to eat and to chat about what were going to do when we get to Trofors its going to be fun I hope we get to sit by each other to talk hold hands and to cuddle.

Charlie's POV:
It's almost 8 so I wake Leo up and tell him its time to go so we gather our stuff and head down stairs but when we were already out the door our mom came running so I threw the car keys to Leo so he can start the car while he was doing that I tried to stop mom she punched me and kicked me and with that I pushed her and closed the door and ran to the door and ran to the car and drove off to the airport to leave this hell chamber for good.

Leo's POV:
Charlie threw the keys at me so I could start the car for us to leave and he was getting hurt really bad so he punched mom in the house ran to the car and we drove off to the airport to go with our dad that loves us and wont abuse us for stupid shit like mom did. We got to the airport we grabbed our stuff except our bookbags to the people who put our luggage and with that we got in the plane yeah their was fans and we did what we usually do and sat down in our seats.

Caroline's POV:
We have been at the recording studio and the person who is recording the kids said that we can come back to record the other half it was already 9pm so we headed home and like always Jessica falls asleep so Ethan carries her to her room and we had some guest Lauren and Johnny came to spend the night so Lauren sent with jade and johnny went with Jacob and with that they fell asleep and me and Ethan went to our room.

Ethan's POV:
I got woken up by my alarm it was 11:50 so when I got their it would be 12am so I got up changed got in the car and drove off to the airport to pick up my kids and bring them to a safe place and keep them here with no abuse from that son of a bitch that hurt them so much. So I got to the airport got out the car locked it and went in I waited a few minutes and then I saw a few people pass and then I saw my sons they came running to me and hugged me they must of missed me so much so I got their stuff took it to the car and we drove off back home.

Jack's POV:
Ethan texted me that he was at the airport waiting for his kids after a few minutes he texted me saying that they are here and that they are going to his house for them to settle them self's down and then get them straight to bed I'm glad my nefiews are with Ethan now it is 1am already and I'm kinda tired because of the long day yesterday and then the kids have to go to the studio again today this is going to be fun and after all this then we have to go to get the music video shot and after that who knows what's next.

Caroline's POV:
I woke up when I heard the front door open so I went down stairs to see who it was and it was Ethan and his kids that are now my step-sons I hope they like me as a mom and not see me as a stranger anyways I got the couch bed out and got some bed sheets and then bed covers for them I got the bed ready for them Ethan showed them were the bathroom is so they can change clothes I was going back to Ethan and I's room when I saw Charlie shirtless and has bruises all over his body so I knocked on the door frame and turns around kinda frightened and I asked him how this happens I sit him on the toilet sit and started bandaging up his wounds and grabbed some icepacks after that he burst out crying and I hugged him and he hugged back.

Charlie's POV:
I was changing in the bathroom and like always I leave the door open and dads new wife knocked on the door frame it frightened me and then she asked what happened to me and I didn't tell her cuz she bandaged me up and put an icepack on my bruises after that I burst out crying and she hugs me and I hugged back cuz it felt good because I never got a hug from mom but knowing that my new mom is caring and loving and that she will like me and Leo as her own sons I was still crying so she told me to go to bed and she will be their so I went Leo was there and he was crying dad just finished bandaging him up then our step-mom came and she got between me and Leo and hugged us me and Leo cried more and she hugged us and started humming to us and we started getting sleepy and then I fell asleep knowing our new mom loves us.
I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter next chapter will be out in a few days have a great day :)

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 23, 2017 ⏰

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