Start from the beginning

"This way." Amodera cried out. Jon and the others ran over with her before they reached a frozen lake. The Hound stepped forward warily, captured wight over his shoulder, before the ice began to crack. Amodera looked around desperately for another exit, but a chorus of familiar shrieks sounded suddenly from behind them. Spinning on her heel, she saw a mass of Wights tumbling towards them like a storm.

"Go!" Jon yelled, grabbing her hand as they ran towards the crag protruding from the ice. Amodera sprinted next to him, trying to focus on the sliver of hope ahead and not the screams of  Wights or the cracking of ice beneath her feet. Seeing Jon come to a sudden halt, Amodera followed suit, trailing his gaze to the Wights on the other side of the lake. They were surrounded; being gained on every second. One of the men who had arrived with the Brotherhood was tackled by some Wights, falling through the cracked ice. The force of the fall sent cracks across the lake; Wights falling into the freezing water all around them. Within seconds, the Wights had come to a stop -- somehow able to know that every step they took would fail.

Amodera looked over at Jon, breath caught in her throat. They had survived this round, but now they faced perhaps an even bigger threat: cold and starvation.


Warmth radiated from Jon's chest like fire as he held her close. Perhaps it were the only thing stopping the ice from invading her lungs. It had been hours since they'd sent Gendry to the Wall and with every creep of the cold, she lost hope. Perhaps this Dragon Queen wasn't coming for them; perhaps Gendry hadn't made it. They'd already lost Thoros to the cold; more losses seemed inevitable. Their survival was now just an irrational dream.

A noise sounded from beside them, and Amodera's eyes landed upon the Hound throwing a rock across the lake. It hit a Wight across the mouth, breaking part of the bone off. Jon looked over at him warily before shuffling closer to Amodera. "Stop." She stated, watching her breath float before her eyes.

The Hound turned to her, eyes narrowed. "I don't take orders from you, Wilding." Leaning down, he grabbed another rock before throwing it across the lake. It fell to the floor on the ice, sliding to where the Wights stood. "Fuck." He muttered as a Wight walked out onto the ice, heading straight towards them.

Amodera and Jon stood up, panic filling their veins. Some of the other Wights began following it, and she pulled her sword from it's sheath. They would be getting their battle after all. Spinning on her heel, Amodera stepped onto the ice -- slicing a Wight in two. More and more braved the ice; running at them with weapons raised. As they began retreating up the crag, she saw Jon be thrown to the ground by two Wight. Sprinting over, she jumped over him, using her swords to stab them both through their bony hearts. Another ran from behind her, catching her on the arm with it's axe. Amodera let out a cry of pain, falling to the floor as Jon sliced it in half.

Running over to her, Jon pulled her up before backing the two of them to the top of the crag. "Fall back!" He yelled at the remainders of their party, an alarm in his voice that terrorized her. The two of them turned, looking of the edge of the crag. The last sliver of hope in Amodera's mind began to disintergrate at the sight of the Wights surrounding them on all sides. She looked over at Jon, her eyes filled with everything she wanted to tell him, and he just nodded -- he understood.

Just as she raised her sword to fight the demons that grew ever closer, a wall of fire erupted in front of them. Amodera stared up the sky, taking in the sight of an enormous ebony dragon; a figure in white upon it's back. Two more dragons flanked them, raining fire from their jaws and destroying the Wights with ease. Amodera pushed through the others as the ebony dragon landed before them, coming face to face with the queen Jon had spoken so highly about as she extended a hand to them urgently.

"Go!" Jon cried as he spun round, facing off the attack of another Wight. Amodera hesitated, wanting to help him, before Tormund pushed her forward. Reaching up, Amodera took the Daenerys extended hand -- climbing upon the dragon's back.

Amodera turned as Tormund and the others began to climb on behind her, her eyes landing upon the Night King walking towards them. "Jon!" She yelled, but he had gone too far. Within seconds, the Night King had thrown his spear, not at Jon as she had thought, but into the heart of an emerald-gold dragon. The beast let out a howl of pain, crashing into the ice of the lake before being pulled under by it's current. Amodera could feel the anger and suffering radiating off the woman in front of her as she stared at the scene in unspeakable heartache.

"Go!" She heard Jon yell suddenly, turning to see the Night King being handed another spear of ice. "Go now! Leave!" Jon sprinted back towards them, slicing the Wights in his path before being tackled by three. They knocked him down, smashing him through the ice and into the freezing water below.

"No, Jon!" Amodera screamed, starting to climb down from the dragon when Tormand grabbed her.

"Don't." He muttered quietly, his grip digging into her arm.

"What are you doing?!" She yelled, doing everything she could to escape his grip, but to no avail.

"I can't lose another friend today."

Amodera stared at him, a rage upon her face that could not be quenched. Just as she freed herself from Tormund's grasp, the dragon lept from the ground, flying out of the reach of the Night King. She could do nothing but watch the man she loved disappear beneath the icy waters.


I know it's been absolutely ages since I updated and I'm super sorry about that, but I've been HELLA busy XD I hope the long chapter makes up for it!

Please vote and comment what you though of this chapter!

Thank you so much for your great feedback on my last chapter and your support for this story! - CAT c:

P.S. I have a special surprise for you that should hopefully be up very soon.

In the meantime, I'd love if you would check out my Daenerys Targaryen fanfic, Carpe Noctem! I will link it with this fanfiction eventually, so it might be good for you to read both c:

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