Chapter 16-The Wolves Blood

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Thunder was coming and the wind started to howl and wisp through the trees near the house. Bentley jumped up abruptly and paced back and forth between Liara laid on the couch by front bay window. Her mother went downstairs as well as her grandmother to take another look at the witches spell book. I couldn't deny that my heart ached for this one girl who saved us both. Even if me and my brother were different we still felt the same. She had come here with her mom not knowing what the future held, but we did.

Bentley and I had a bond with her not only with our shared mind link but our dreams had also connected. When she first arrived at the school that day we were planning her arrival, we didn't know how soon she would enter our lives. When she did; it surprised us both we didn't expect her that soon. Her mother's job transferred them much more quickly.

On the early morning of her arrival I couldn't sleep. Restlessness played and picked through my mind. I decided to go for a run before school. It felt good to run my thoughts were just mine and as was my mind. No interruptions could invade me while it was this early unless it was the elders patrolling. Going in to the forest behind my house I changed forms and began to run.

The early morning fog was still laying low near the ground. The dew was seeping in to my padding on the bottom of my paws. Within the next couple of minutes I was out in the valley near the creek-side when I heard a howl. Waiting a few moments I didn't return my call I only flattened my ears and barred my teeth in frustration. Then I shook myself and took off towards the creek. Another howl pierced the air, demanding an answer. Jumping in the creek I went to the other side of the valley and ran.

Going through the trees and the semi tall grass I finally slowed my pace down. Coming up on a small hillside filled with wild flowers I stopped. The mountain side was glowing in the sun. I laid down because it was there that I was at peace for a moment.


Bentley was pacing back and forth beside the couch when it was irritating me. I growled only so he could hear me. But even then I had to go through the mind link we shared to get his attention. He was so inside of his own head at that moment fearing for Liara. I was wondering why Dad was being so harsh on me earlier; why we couldn't mix our pack blood with the witches magick to heal her. Liara was sighing in her sleep. This fog was surrounding the town. We put an alert out on the town in discretion. 

I looked at Dad and Mom who were talking in hushed tones by themselves. I couldn't help but wonder what was going on between them. As upcoming Alphas Brantley and I needed to know what our parents were planning. I got up from the couch licking my lips once again trying to make sure there wasn't any trace of the crimson liquid lingering.  I moved away from Liara but the wolf inside whined. He didn't want to leave her. Brantley took my spot instantly. He growled inside which in return made me growl at him. He glared at me but turned back to Liara to gently caress her cheek. 

I walked over to Mom and Dad to talk to them but they immediately quit talking. They both gave me a nod. "Yes my sweet Bentley?" Mom asked. 

"Can we go in another room and talk please?" 

"Son now is not the time. I will discuss what will happen if we mix our blood with magick." Dad's tone was harsh. He knew something and that something was personal. Moving our little group into the next room over from the living room. We were surrounded by chairs and a china hutch. Dad felt along the wall and flipped the light on near us. He closed the door and turned around to face me and my mother. Mom pulled out a chair from under the table and sat down in it. Facing my father, she sighed.

"Honey, your father and I went through a time where,-"

"Babe, please don't. Don't tell it from your side. I know it still pains you 'til this day still."

"I failed you as a husband and mate, I knew the risks I was taking but the temptation was undeniable."

Mom shivered then put her head in her hands then. Not soon after Brantley joined us in the dining room. Dad turned around and peeked outside the door then shut the door behind him again.

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⏰ Última atualização: Jun 09, 2019 ⏰

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