Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Waking up I looked over at my clock reading the clock, eight am. Yelling out in pain almost a minute later. My head felt like it was about to explode. I felt the bed move beside me and an arm go around my waist.

"Sh. It'll be okay. Here drink this," Bentley whispered in my ear while handing me a little vase that was red.

"My mother made it for you." "Take a small gulp. It will help with the pain."

Unscrewing the golden lid from the vase I took a small gulp like Bentley said too.

"Liara! Are you up yet? You're going to be late for school!" I heard mom shout from the hallway. Quickly untangling himself from me he went inside my closet as my door handle started to move. Laying back down on the bed and shoving the red vase of stuff underneath my pillow. Mom came inside of my room and took one look at me.

"Liara honey, you look awful. You're staying home. I don't care if it is your second day of school or not." "But mom, I have to go to school." I whined. But when I got up too quick my head felt like an explosion behind my eye lids. Crying out in pain mom came over to me and laid me back down. Running in to my bathroom I heard the water start running and then she went out of my bathroom to somewhere else. "Liara, are sure you're okay? I don't think you were ready." Bentley said, coming out of my closet. Trying to keep quiet without mom seeing or hearing him. He came over to me as I sat up. "Oh no. Lay back down." Disappearing in to my bathroom Bentley came back out with a couple layers of tissues. I felt a trickle of something running down. Taking my finger I touched underneath my nose. Pulling back my hand I had a crimson drop of blood on my finger tip.

"Don't. Freak. Out."

"What's going on. I felt fine last night. What'd you do to me?" I asked in a shaky breath.

"You're fine. It happens to most of us. The first time we dream walked it happened to us." I took the tissues and held them under my nose. Bentley grasped my other hand and rubbed the back of it with his. I smiled but felt like I was going to puke. The room started to spin, then.

"Oh no." Rushing to the toilet and flipping the lid open as quickly as I could.

Puking my brains out then the tears starting flowing. What in the world was wrong with me? Feeling my sandy blonde hair being lifted while I stuck my head back over the toilet. I smiled and then heard mom say, "Bentley, what-what are you doing here?"

I couldn't pick my head back up to defend him but his smooth talking lie came out like it was nothing.

"The door was already open. I thought I heard some shouting so I barged in. I'm really sorry, Mrs. Huddleston." Bentley told mom.

"The door was already open like, wide open for anyone to just waltz in?" Mom stuttered, her voice pitched high with worry.

Finally able to look at Bentley he just nodded at mom and mom took off downstairs to check the door.

"How did you do that?" I ask, as I back away from the toilet.

"Do what?" He replies, with a hint of knowing in his voice. He releases my hair and backs up against the wall, crossing his arms.

I was becoming familiar with his pose. I was going to call it his signature pose from now on.

"Oh come on. You know what you just did. I'm not that good at lying but you, you are one of the best." I tell him before trying my luck and getting up off the floor.

Bentley helps me to bed and lays down on his side. Turning my head to the left but couldn't do that for long. I felt like running off towards the bathroom once again. Bentley goes and gets the wash cloth from mom and comes back. I was resting my eyes and starting to drift off when I felt the bed lean down. Gently laying the cloth on my forehead, I sighed. That coolness felt good upon my hot skin. "I think I'm going to sleep now." I heard myself mumble.

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