Chapter 12-Kevin's Secret

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I got the call from Lucy a minute before I ended my shift at the sheriff's office. I was going to hurry home and see how Liara was doing until I heard his howl. Liara's father had come to meet.

"Do you mind if I drop you off near your house?" I asked my partner. We had been car pooling all week to save on gas since the gas prices have sky rocketed, again.

"Nah, man. I understand, you want to get home to your girl." "Drop me off around the corner anyway, I can get myself some din din."

"Din din?"

"Kev, dinner."

"Oh right, right."

I haven't told Lucy about meeting up with Liara's father recently or about what he has gotten himself in to. Dropping off my partner near his place I turn around and followed his scent. Going and turning down a couple roads that led down a road that hasn't been used in a long time I shut my door quietly and turned around. I listened for a minute and heard another howl in the air. I couldn't shift here out in the open with out someone seeing me.

Looking around for anything to hide myself to shift my other form, I found a medium sized pile of large logs I could maybe work my way in to.

I haven't shifted in a long time so I may have to use my mouth guard to muffle some of the sounds that I will be making. My skin already felt like it was on fire. He was begging me to let him run. He was making my whole-body quiver with excitement to be free. Making my way over to the small brush pile I found a hole to climb in to. Making sure nothing else was in here I listened once again to make sure nothing was going to be able to find me here. I began to change. The pain was almost unbearable. I wanted to scream and yell but I couldn't not out here too many outsiders. I grunted and gasped for air several times. My fingers dug in the ground and made scratch marks in the dirt beneath me.

After excruciating pain and blacking out for a few moments I climbed back out of the brush pile. I heard a growl near me and instantly sent a growl back. I was in no mood to play games with these three wolves.

They were from the Northern Double Moon pack.

The Northern Double Moon pack was fearsome but completely some-what dim whitted when it came to making deals with other packs and some times ended up screwing over some packs.

Another howl pierced the air as I was loping across the field. Speeding up my pace a little bit I sniffed the air, testing it for any enemies near by. No one except three other shifters like myself were nearby. Hearing the woods around me crackle with twigs I let out a growl while showing my teeth.

Two of his wolves came up and rolled their eyes. 'Let's go' one of them sent through the mind link. We all loped up to the meeting spot where I instantly seen Luke.


'Ah, Kevin. Nice to see you again. It's been way too long. How are things going?'

'Same as always.'

'Don't lie to me. Something has changed since I have seen you last.'

'Should I even tell you? You've been gone a long while, Luke.'

The growling beside me started and I couldn't shake the feeling this meeting was about to take a turn.

'Yes you really should tell me. I sent you here to watch over my family.'

'I know you did but your family was mourning your loss still. Lucy thinks you're dead, she even put your name in the newspaper as deceased.'

'Don't I know it. Ever since I've had to watch my surroundings because people do remember.' Luke growled.

'Now, what's this I hear about you and my wife?' His tone got chilly and his eyes turned full black instead of their normal butterscotch yellow like most of us had. Even his ears pinned backwards and his snarl gave warning for me to answer him.

I growled back a warning growl for him and his flackies to stand down. I was determined to keep them safe and away from Luke. Something has happened to him and I didn't know what, but his family was mine now.

They each turned towards me then attacked. Luke cackled but with one pinning me down and the other taking a hit to my back leg I was trapped. I breathed in a breath then using the strength I haven't used in a long time I managed to kick the one wolf off my leg. I could feel the puncture marks were going to leave marks in my human form. Let's hope that Lucy doesn't see them.

'Hold him down, it's time my former friend died' Luke snarled.

I growled and showed my teeth then a thought passed through my head at the last minute before I attacked his second in command.

'The old Luke wanted to know how his wife was and his very first born daughter.'

'Don't you want to know who your daughter is around now?'

Luke snarled and lunged but missed me as I got up and shook off his other pack member quickly. Luke had forgotten whom I was and how fast I really could be. I turned to face Luke as he came up to me and met my eyes.

Chuckling he only shook his head but asked how Lucy and his darling Liara was.

'Fine just fine. Liara is still having trouble sleeping and has these weird dreams at night. I even heard her up washing her sheets one time at 3 in the morning. It was odd.'

'Did you know your wife was an heir born witch?'

'Some, but not all witch. If she an heir born enchantress then our daughter has blood running through her veins as well. How did you find out?'

'I rode by the house today and the smell of those witches were dreadful. Your mood has changed since earlier, was it because I mentioned your family?'

'Some what but I still seen your thoughts when it came to Lucy. How did this come about with you and her? I know I can't change things or even come near her again with out causing her pain.'

'Causing her pain?' I asked. I never knew we could hurt the witches.

'Not physical pain. But emotional pain. It would torment her. What Lucy and I had are over. I am with my true mate, I found her when I went back to our community. Lucy and I had something strong but it wasn't strong enough. Plus Lucy's mother and I; the night I disappeared from them almost put me in a grave.'

Shaking his head Luke turned around and started walking off. Catching up quickly he was quiet but stopped suddenly, we both did. Hearing an odd sound we hadn't heard before we dodged out of any human sight and went looking for the sound.

Getting near the sound I went left while Luke went right. After getting a mile or three up the trail all I felt was a pain. I howled in pain and heard Luke say he was coming.

I felt pain but didn't see anything and I couldn't hear Luke in my head anymore. The pain was excoriating it almost blinded my vision. I whimpered and fell to the ground. I heard the buzzing around in my head but after that everything went black.

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