2*A Peak In To The Past*

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Since I was already up and showered by 6:30am I decided to go ahead and start packing what I needed for my new school. I was so nervous, I didn't want to really eat anything. Well maybe something small.

As I looked around my new room that was stark white with wood work around my windows and door. The door was oddly shaped, the top was slanted down then it also had a little flap where it slanted down for like thin sheets of paper to go in and out. Like I said, weird.

The sun was starting to rise so I pulled my sheer thin curtain back to look. I smiled because the darkness was starting to fade as the purple and pinks started to come in with the rising sun.

 As the sun kept rising, it was starting to make me squint so I went back to packing my book bag for my new school. I bit my lip with thinking that this is was going to have a big impact on my life, going to this school.

As I packed I got three binders, two notebooks, then my red pencil pouch. I loved the color red. That also took a change two years ago as well.

I was hoping to make a couple new friends, but I wasn't counting on anything. I was definitely missing back home where I left two of my friends. Selena and Dawson. They were the ones that helped me through almost everything.

Now I had no one, not even a sibling because I was an only child. As I finished packing my book bag there was a knock on my door.

"Come in." I say.

"Oh I was just coming in to wake you up." My mother's new boyfriend smiled then stood there awkwardly.

"Yeah, you don't have to do that. I'm an early riser. " I tell him.

Things between us were weird. I didn't like him. I thought he was weird. He was starting to go bald in the middle of his head. Kevin was a body builder and his ego was big as Texas state or even bigger, I swear. Also he a bad habit of telling my mom what to do and if she didn't do he would mouth off to her. I couldn't stand him.

I don't know what she was thinking when she picked him to date. I wish my dad was still here. I would be with him instead of my mom. Don't get me wrong I love my mom to bits and pieces but with Kevin around our relationship had changed a little bit.

"So you want breakfast?" He asked while looking at me like I was candy. It was sickening. I rolled my eyes. I couldn't take it anymore.

"Look here Kevin, don't act all sweet and innocent because it's not going to get you anywhere with me. I have a dad and I'm not sure what happened to him but you will never, ever take the place he has." I told him very seriously.

He looked shocked at my sudden outburst. I was usually quiet but I wasn't in a very good mood this morning. My nerves were all jumbled up. With last nights dream still fresh on my mind again I wasn't sure what was going to happen.

Soon after I told Kevin off, sort of, he left my room. Before he left my room he glared at me. I sighed and sat down in my chair and tried my hardest to try and calm myself down. It felt like my nerves were fried and I was on edge. Sad thing was I hadn't even started school yet.

About thirty minutes later my mom called me downstairs. I dragged myself from my sitting position and went downstairs slowly. As I went through the kitchen door I heard Mom and Kevin talking. The only thing I didn't want to hear was, marriage. I heard her say "I'm not ready for marriage again right now. I don't think it would be good for Liara."

The frown on my face actually turned in to a smirk. I thank the lord that my mom had a brain and wasn't thinking about herself. I know she missed my father. I wondered what happened to him, myself. 

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