Chapter 96: "Tying the Knot -I"

Start from the beginning

Sarah saw her frown.

Arethas [Sally: Favorite Harry Potter character?] ?

Salma blinked.

Arethas: I haven't read the series.

Her frown deepened. Huffing, she got rid of her phone, feeling bitterly disappointed.

"I see, we've hit a new low?"

"He takes care that the meat he consumed is halal, but I couldn't find out if he drinks," Salma grumbled. "Have you got any creative ideas to find that out?"

"Get your father to spy on him," Sarah shrugged.

Really creative, Salma scoffed, turning to her food. She had been trying to find out about Arethas's habits, his commitment to religion and how conscious he was of Allah's commandments. She did not want to end up marrying a man who smoked or drank or ate meat of electrocuted animals. She was allergic to smoke –and strong scents and perfumes – and she was not comfortable with the idea of living with a man who would engage in drinking or eating forbidden meat. Salma was desperate to find out, however, she was not stupid. Not wanting to put him in an embarrassing situation by asking directly, Salma had to be creative about it. 

It is never a good idea to ask people directly if they sin. One, the question is humiliating and disrespectful to the person and two, they would most probably resort to lying to avoid shaming themselves.

"I have a feeling that's not all," Sarah observed.

Salma sighed.

"I asked him his favorite Harry potter character."

"Don't tell me he said wormtail, please!" Sarah interjected.

"No," Salma replied gloomily. "He hasn't even read Harry Potter –"

"UNACCEPTABLE!" Sarah suddenly shouted, making Salma jump in her seat, "Girl, listen to me now or you'll regret it. Drop him like a hot potato. You two don't belong!"

Salma laughed dryly.

"Right, it sure sounds like fun, 'hey dad, I've decided not to marry Arethas.' 'Why?', Well, you see he hasn't read Harry potter, and that's unacceptable,'"

"He won't take no for an answer?" Sarah raised a brow, "I mean, it's a pretty valid reason for me. If you live in this day and age and haven't read Harry Potter, Good day to you, sir! I will stick to fasting,"

Salma shook her head in amusement. She saw Cody heading towards them and quickly covered her face. Noticing what she did, Sarah imitated her action.

"He won't say no, but if I'm shooting the proposal down and forcing him to look through other options, I feel like I should at least give him a valid reason, like the guy seems to have a horrible personality, or –"

"You think someone who hasn't read Harry Potter may have a good personality?" Sarah grimaced, "I'm telling you, he's a no-no."

"Who's a no-no?" Cody smiled, putting their drinks in front of them, "What are we discussing today?"

"We," Sarah pointed between herself and Salma with her fork, "are discussing potential husbands, don't know about you, old man."

Cody let out his booming laugh.

"You kid, are a savage," he appreciated. "I like your friend, Sally."

"Gee, too bad," Sarah remarked before Salma could stop her, "I'm already taken."

Salma's mouth hung open behind the veil while Cody looked equally unsettled.

"No – I mean, of course not like that!" He defended.

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