Broken Trust

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I stormed backstage with Randy, Ted, Cody and our new tag team titles on my heels.

"Ali, slow down" Randy yelled behind me as he grabbed my wrist.

"What?!" I snapped at him.

"What's wrong with you?" Ted asked me.

"What's wrong with me? You should damn well know what's wrong with me" I spat before I tried to walk away but this time Cody caught me by the hand.

"Calm down" Cody told me as I pulled my hand away from his.

"How the hell do you expect me to calm down after what you three idiots did to me" I hissed.

"What did we do?" Ted asked me.

"Do the words bitch and slut sound familiar?" I asked them.

They both froze and looked at me. I wasn't going to let some titles fix what they said to me.

"And for you, just kiss me and then don't speak to me" I snapped at Cody.

"Ali-" Randy started.

"Don't Ali me, you bastard" I spat as the tears started to well up in my eyes.

"We're sorry" Ted mumbled.

"Your sorry?! Do you know how many times I cried myself to sleep about you three idiots ever since we got put together?!" I snapped letting one tear fall.

"I get it we've been real pricks to you, but that's because we're protective" Randy spoke.

"Your protective?! So is that why you let your best friend sleep with me?!" I asked them.

"Ali just let us explain" Cody cut in.

"I think you've already done the damage, from now on we only talk went doing promo's, when we're back here it's different. No eye contact, no speaking, no nothing. Thanks to you three my trust is now broken, I travel with the girls and you get on with it until we break up" I told them as I wiped away the tears that had fallen down my face.

"Ali don't do this" Randy whispered.

"I have to, I can't risk another sleepless night thinking about you three" I cried.

"Ali please" Ted begged.

"What's done is done" I mumbled.

"Ali" Cody barley spoke.

"Nothing can change my mind, this is it. No more Team Legacy, no more nothing, that's it, goodbye" I whispered before I turned on my heel and walked away.

I could feel the boys eyes looking at me as I walked away. A few tears started to fall but I wiped them away. As soon as I turned the corner I let it all out. I sat against the hard, cold brick wall and cried.

"Ali?" A soft voice spoke as I cried.

I looked up to see Kelly looking down at me. Great just the person I wanted to see.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

I looked up at her and tried to speak but I couldn't. I just shook my head and sobbed some more.

"Oh Ali" Kelly whispered as she bent down and hugged me. "It's okay, it all gonna be fine" Kelly soothed as she stroked my hair.

"Ali!" I heard Brie's voice call in a panic.

I looked up at the tall brown hair diva. She was dressed in her ring gear and I knew she was about to go out and have her match.

"What's wrong, what happened?" She asked me.

I sobbed some more into Kelly's blonde locks.

"Bring her to the locker room" Brie informed Kelly as both divas helped me to the locker room. I sobbed as they walked me too the locker room until Mike saw me.

"Ali, what's wrong are you okay?" Mike asked me.

I shook my head at him before he pulled me into a hug. I sobbed into his black shirt.

"What did that bastard Cody Rhodes do to you?" Mike asked me.

"He broke me" I cried softly as Mike stroked my hair just like Kelly did.

"I'll kill him" Mike mumbled.

"No, Mike don't, it's not just him, but please don't hurt them" I begged him.

"Ali, if your crying then something has to be done" Mike told me.

"I will do something, just please don't" I whispered.

"Fine" He mumbled as he held me tighter.

"Thank you" I cried.

After what felt like forever in his arms, he finally let go. I fell back into Kelly and Brie before the opened the door.

"Well done Al-" Eve started before she saw me. "What's wrong?" She asked.

"Do you want me to tell them?" Kelly asked me as Brie hugged me.

I nodded my head at her as she told them. With every word she spoke, I cried.

"Oh Ali" Eve sighed as she hugged me.

"They just broke me, I can't take it anymore" I cried even harder.

"They're no good assholes who will get their asses whipped if they don't play their cards right" Nikki informed me with a smile.

I smiled at her little joke as Eve rubbed my knee.

"They're idiots" Michelle added.

"Fools" Layla spoke.

"Losers" Nattie grinned.

"And they don't know what they're losing" Beth smiled.

"And if they even think of hurting you again, just tell them that the divas will be after them" Maryse   told me.

"They have no idea what they just got themselves into" Maria grinned.

"In the end we all know who's gonna win" Melina smirked.

"And it's not gonna be those idiots" Mickie assured me with a smile.

"Thanks girls" I grinned.



Oooo my first author's note since I started this book...I think. I just want to let you all know that this book will be coming to and end very soon. Sorry about that, but how it's gonna end you just have to keep reading on to find out. There's about 10 more chapter's left and then I'm done. Thank you all for reading and if you liked this chapter I think you know what to do.


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