You're all I need to get by *Part 2*

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"COME ON ALI" Randy yelled as Mickie had me in a sleeper hold. Her grip started to get tighter and tighter and for one second I forgot what I was fighting for. I mentally slapped myself before elbowing her in the ribs. The crowd started to boo me before I kicked her gut. I sent her into the ropes before she came back with a kick to my ribs. I screamed as I held my ribs. Mickie put her hands in the air and cheered as I lay on the mat. The crowd started to chant her name as I looked over at Cody. The look in his eyes reminded me that what I was fighting for. I looked at Mickie seeing that her back was turned. I smirked to myself as I lay my head back down and acted in pain.

Mickie skipped over to me and as she tried to grab my hair I swung my legs at her ankle making her fall flat on her face. She screached as I got up and jumped on her ankle. I started to walk around her laughing to myself as the crowd booed me. I grabed her ankle and dragged her over to the corner. I jumped out of the ring and I got a hold of her ankle again before smacking her ankel off the steel bar. She screamed and held her foot as I laughed even more. The boys started to clap as I entered the ring again. I tried to pin her but she kicked out at two. I hit the mat before I went to work on her ankle.

"TAP OUT MICKIE TAP!" I screamed as I had her ankle in a painful lock. She shook her head which made me put more pressure on her ankle. Mickie started to kick me with her good foot before she gave me a swift kick to my ribs. I let go of her ankle straight away and I held my ribs. I crawled over to the boys as Mickie lay in the centre of the ring, holding her ankle. I made my way up but she was still lying on the ground. I grabbed her by her hair and slammed her down back into the mat.

"THATS IT ALI" Cody started to cheer as the crowd booed me. I started to laugh again as I kicked Mickie around the ring. I got her over to the bottom rope where she held onto it for a break I threw her head and arms over the rope before standing on her back and pushing down on her. The referee started to count as Mickie started to yell. I jumped off her at four before walking over to the corner where the boys were. They started clapping for me as I raised my arms and then pointed to my waist. I saw Mickie trying to get up in the opposite corner. I looked at Randy and he smirked. I looked around the crowd and they all started to scream no and boo me.

"Is she going to do what I think she is?" Jerry asked Michael.

"My god Jerry I think she is" Michael replied.

I held the top ropes beside me before bending down and glaring at Mickie. Randy used this move on many superstars and he has easily broken people's necks with this move. It was a really big risk as I could ruin Mickie's career, but it was a chance I was willing to take to win the divas title.

"Oh my god she really is going to do it!" Jerry gasped.

"Ali's going to punt Mickie, oh my god!" Michael yelled.

I ran at Mickie and gave her the worst kick she'll ever receive. Mickie's whole body flipped around and she lay there. I smiled as the boys clapped for me and the crowd booed. I knelt down, knowing that I had won the divas title and bent over to her. I went for the pin but somehow when everything seemed like it was going to be over Mickie kicked out. The crowd screamed and I looked at her in disbelief. I looked over at the boys and they couldn't believe it either.


I screamed before grabbed her ankle and beating the crap out of it. She started to yelp as the crowd started to chant her name. I wasn't very happy. I had the divas title in my reach. I was so close to it, but no. As I started to abuse her ankle the crowd split in two. One half was chanting Mickie, but the other half started cheering my name. It felt as if myself and Mickie weren't the only ones battling it out but the crowd was too. As Mickie started to gain control again I felt something strange. My ribs felt like they were swelling up inside of me. I knew they weren't because they were bones but the pain was horrible. Mickie started to work on my ribs which made it worse and with every kick I was in more pain. I somehow made my way over to the boys and even though they couldn't show it I could still see the concern in their eyes.

"My ribs" I gasped as I held on to the bottom rope.

"Will we stop the match?" Ted asked me as Mickie walked towards me.

"Don't you dare" I hissed as Mickie started kicking my ribs again.

I was in total agony but I didn't let her see just how sore they were. Mickie pushed my face into the turnbuckle with her foot and as the referee started to count. I glanced over at Cody who looked terrified for me. She was pushed back at four and the referee warned her and as he did I looked at the divas title. I wasn't going to let my stupid ribs get in the way of me becoming the divas champion, no way. I pushed myself up, holding my ribs before the referee moved and I ran towards Mickie. I jumped on her and started to hit her over and over again. My side of the crowd started to scream as I grabbed her ankle and started to twist it. She started to scream as I let go of her ankle. I went for the pin but she reversed it. Just before three I kicked out and grabbed her hair. I put one leg over her neck before she threw it off and sent me into the ropes. She tried to clothesline me twice but as I ran one last time Mickie bent down so I'd run over her but I stopped and quickly hit The Wonder. The crowd started to scream as I rolled her over and quickly when for the pin.




I rolled over as my music blared throughout the arena. I held my ribs as the boys all ran in and lifted me up. I cried as Cody swung me around before kissing me.

"And the winner of this match and your NEW WWE Divas Champion, Ali Flair!"

The referee handed me the divas title and I took it off him with no hesitation. I kissed my title before walking over to the top rope and holding my title high. I tapped it with my hand before Cody and Ted lifted me up in their shoulders. Randy clapped for me as I held my title up high in the air. They put me down and as I walked back down the ramp I laughed at Mickie as she cried in the ring. I held the title up once more before I walked backstage.

People stood there and they were all clapping for me as I started to cry. The boys walked behind me, Cody's hand was wrapped around me. Vince came up to me with Stephanie and Shane. They all shook my hand and congratulated me as I cried even more. As walked out of gorilla the divas were all on either side of the room and they were all cheering me on. I walked past them and they were all so happy for me.

"Ali!" Eve smiled as she saw me.

I ran towards her and in that moment I cried more than I ever had before.

"I won Eve, I won!" I beamed as Nikki and Brie joined me.

"We're so proud of you" Brie grinned as I held my title had it lay on my shoulder.

"Everyone is" Nikki laughed.

"I did it" I gasped as I started to cry again.

"Everyone believed in you" Eve cried with me.

"Including us" Ted smiled from behind me.

I turned around and ran to the boys. They are the reason I won that match. They are the ones who make me strong and help me win matches like that. In that moment with the boys I felt as if I was part of a team. Being apart of something special, makes you special. Legacy was a special team and we weren't ending now. We were just getting started.

And that is not the end of Boy Like You. There is one more chapter and if I cried in this chapter I'll cry in the next one. Since there was no Codison or Cali in this chapter I promise that the next chapter will be Codison or Cali with a little bit of Legacy's future. Also can we decide what Cody and Ali's ship name is? In the comments tell me which one you prefer. I hope you liked this chapter.

-Amy xoxo

Boy Like You (WWE)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें