Boy Like You (WWE)

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Hello!! This is my first story so no hate please! Anyway this is going to be set in 2009 when Legacy got together so I hope you like it!

"Ah Ali you're finally here" Vince said as I pushed open the big heavy black doors with the WWE sign on it.

"Sorry I was late, Hunter and Shawn wanted to congratulate me on beating Maryse on Raw" I said as I slowly closed the doors behind me.

"Oh that's alright" Vince said with a smile. "Take a seat Ali" He said pointing at a seat.

I nodded before sitting down.

"Now you four are all probably wondering why I called you here" Vince said putting his hands together.

'You four?' I said in my head confused. There's other people here? I didn't want to look away well because that would be rude but I really wanted to know who those other people were.

"Yeah" I heard three male voices reply.

'Great' I thought. Boys, just what I need after breaking up with Mike. The worse part of it all was that there was more than one of them.

"Well the tag team division is going down a bit, I mean the only actually GOOD tag team is DX" Vince said rubbing his hands together. "And John Cena and Mickie James need a bit of competition" Vince said separating his hands and then putting them back together. "And hey now wouldn't it be great if we could finally have the first female manger since Stephanie" He said looking at me.

I nodded while thinking about the idea. I liked it. Also I would finally become a heel diva. Being a heel is more fun...well that's what Michelle told me.

"If all goes well then we might think of running with this idea and even maybe give you some titles" Vince said smiling.

'This has to go well' I said in my head. I needed that title...well I need one of them. The only thing was that I would have to get along with my partners that I didn't even know.

"Now we also need some names" Vince said putting on his glasses and picking up a page. He started calling out all these random names that I didn't like and I think that the others didn't like them. It was obvious when Vince got to the bottom on the page because he put it down and he said that we would get back to the names later on. Then we came to the storyline.

"Okay so here's th big part" Vince said sitting up "The storyline."

I felt a smile creep up among my face. My first ever heel diva storyline. Yes.

"Whats gonna happen is that you two are already teamed up" Vince said pointing to two of them behind me. "Okay so you are gonna kick him in the head causing him to be out for a week. When you come back your gonna be with Sunka and Manu. Your gonna walk to the ring to attack him. You will enter the ring and you will think that he's gonna abandon you. Next thing you know your gonna beat the crap out of them, all three of you." Vince said confusing me.

"Then you will come out" He said looking at me. "You will look scared , confused and shocked. Then you will enter the ring and the fans are gonna think that you are gonna check on Sunka and Manu, when really your gonna attack them." Vince said looking me in the eye.

"The four of you will then leave the ring after you have attacked them. The tech team are gonna put replays on of you's attacking Manu and Sunka. When you get to the top of the ramp you two will grab their wrists and lift their hand up in the air like as if they've won a match. Do you understand?" He asked us.

I nodded and I could tell by the silence that the others nodded too.

"Great now I'm gonna let you guys talk because I know that you've never really talked before while I think of more names" Vince said smiling.

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