I hate this part

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"ALI!" Eve yelled as she ran out and saw me lying in Cody's arms.

"Is she okay?" Ted asked.

"What do you think?" Eve snapped.

"What did I do?" Ted questioned Eve.

"What did you do, you made him break her heart" Eve spat.

"What so she's after going off and telling everyone?" Randy asked pissed.

"With the help of us" Nikki smirked.

"Can she not keep her mouth shut?" Ted hissed.

"Shut your mouth Ted" Brie snapped.

"Guys, eh hello, I'm sorta dead down here" I told them.

The looked down at me.

"What happened?" Eve asked me.

"I fell" I replied as she helped me sit up.

"Don't be a smart ass, how did you fall?" She questioned.

"I felt dizzy" I told her.

"Because we started talking about...oh yeah" Nikki started.

"Nikki go and get your pancakes" Brie told her.

"Okay!" Nikki smiled before skipping off back into the room where Jack was.

"I swear she's not three" Brie sighed.

I smiled at her before seeing that Cody was still holding me.

"Get you damn hands off me Rhodes" I snapped.

"Are you still pissed at me?" He asked me.

"Are you still stupid?" I replied as he let go of me.

"It's someone's time of month" Randy chuckled as Cody stood up beside Ted and Randy.

"Are you guys always gonna be this rude?!" I snapped at them.

"It's a joke" Ted hissed.

"No the only joke here is the legacy" I spat.

"Your part of the legacy" Randy added.

"And so are you three and that makes it a joke" I smirked.

"Right get up, come one" Eve told me as she picked me up.

"Ouch, Eve be careful" I snapped as she grabbed my car keys.

"Brie make sure Nikki doesn't burn down the hotel, I'll be back soon" Eve told Brie before she closed the door.

"What are you doing?" I asked Eve as she grabbed my hand and pulled me down the corridor.

"You three idiots better be walking behind us or I will kick you were the sun don't shine" Eve snapped and you could hear the boys running behind us.

"Eve where are we going?" I asked her as she dragged me down a flight of stairs.

"Yeah, where are we going?" Ted asked her.

"I just asked her that question, give her time" I hissed at Ted.

"Bitch" I heard Ted mumbled under this breath.

I rolled my eyes at him as Eve pulled us to the parking lot. She let go of my hand and smiled at us.

"Why are we here?" Randy asked Eve.

"Eve, I swear if this is what I think it is, I'm going to kill you" I snapped at her.

"Well then I'm dead" She smirked.

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