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*the next day
I walked into biology it's Thursday and I haven't had biology yet I see an empty space but it's next to liam but I guess I have no choice so I sit next to him. To pass time I get out the notes Alice have to me about being a siren

"What's that?" Liam asks me

"Notes, study's, information" I say back
I can feel his eyes burning holes through my paper I decide to put it away I don't want him to know that I know what I am and tell the others.


I quickly walk out of class me and Alice are going to keep looking for information about siren's me want to find out exactly who we are

Liam pov

I walk out of the school I saw what was on Victoria's paper I know she's a siren and I plan to tell the rest of the pack. Scott and Theo are waiting for me so I jog to them we get in the car as usual I'm in the back.
"Yeah" he replays
"I think I know what Victoria is....I mean I know what she is" I tell Scott
Scott and Theo both look through the mirror and stare me down
"How do you know you didn't help me search for anything" Theo tells me
"We already know what she is we was planning on using that against her to find the girl who told her about the supernatural world" Scott tells me still staring at me when he gets the chance.
"Using it against her she's like us why are you using it against her you don't even-
Scott cuts me off
"Whoever told Victoria about being a siren and the supernatural world is involved in this and we plan finding out who they are to"
The starts to talk "we need you to keep an eye on Victoria and whoever she hangs round with we need you to listen in on there convosation incase she mentions anything.

Victoria's pov
I open my eyes I squint as they ajust to the light. I check my phone it's 5:05am I decide to go have a shower as it's so early I'm dressed and ready to go. I decide to wake Alice up she's not a morning person which could explain why she looks dead all the time
Alice drops me off I thank her and get out I have maths first Alice is in the same class but we sit on opposite sides of the class. I keep my distance from Liam and Hayden she called me to sit with them at break but I decide to go to the liabry and get a book it's about siren's I am interested in finding out who I am. I sit and read the book most of the weekend.
*Sunday evening
Decide to go on a run through the woods to a lake I take my book to read when I get there. I run not to fast but not to slow I love stepping on leaves especially when they crunch beneath my feet I get to the lake I sit I read my book. I hear foot steps so I look back but nobody is there.
"What are you reading?"
I turn round Theo's standing above me I quickly get up trying to hide the book
"Nothing that concerne's you"
I step back this is awkward
"You don't seem to sure about that" Theo grins I don't understand why I decide to run but he grabs my wrist
"You can't hide from this....you can't hide from us"
I'm so creeped out I run until I come to a road I recognise and walk home.

*Monday afternoon
I walk home from school my music playing really loud out of my earphones I notice a car following me and it's Scott Alice is in his car I don't no why though
"You need to come with us" Scott tells me so I get into his car
"So what's so important"
"All of my pack are waiting for us...we need you to tell us what you know" he tells us
I swallow unsure why Alice is in the car wether Scott knows about her being a siren aswell. I decide to stop wandering and ask. "Why are you here Alice"
"Don't worry Scott wanted to find you and I said I would show him where you live incase he got lost" she says
"Oh" I let out a breath of relief atleast they don't no about Alice too I don't she would be able to cope with everyone interesting her.

SIREN-Theo RaekenWhere stories live. Discover now