3.who am i?

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I run out of the double doors holding my wrist with my other hand for support. I sit on the step school ends soon I just sit there thinking asking questions in my head. Who is she? Why was she so mad? Etc I can't seem to figure it out. Two men one with pale skin and brown hair he has a stable MD the other slightly tanned with little facial hair wearing a leather jacket laughing and joking around I look and admire there friendship and wish I wasn't so alone I sit and cry.

The girl who did this to me walks past me like she hadn't done anything.

I get up and hold her shoulder I try walk next to her but she's really fast.

"Who are you?" I ask curiously
She stops suddenly she's crying agin i dear not ask her what's wrong this time "I don't no ok....i don't no who or what I am or why I do certain things to people"
"What like murder?" I say looking deeply at her
"Yes we'll no I don't no it's the way I speak its that strong it kills people"
I laugh
"What do you find funny?"
"I'm still alive I'm not dead.why?" I say demandingly
"The only time it dont work if the other person is some sort of supernatural creature. Which means one thing you your not human your like me but i don't know what I am so that's all I can tell you...for now
I look blank supernatural dosnt even exist what is wrong with this girl
Hayden walks out of school liam next to her they both laughter the two boys from before shout Liam Hayden spots me and tells Liam she will be there in a few minuets the girl I was speaking to has gone into the crowd.

"Are you alright? What's that on your arm?" She says sounding concerned

"I'm fine..shouldn't you go to your boyfriend and his friends"
Your not fine you have a huge cut on your wrist come on we will drop you off at the hospital

SIREN-Theo RaekenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora