This is what my future relies on.

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My name's Victoria. Victoria Jones. I'm 17 I am from the UK. My Mum wanted a fresh start from everything that happened back home in England she decided we move to escape so they couldn't find us and this leads me to this day the 6th of September my first day at beacon hill high school.     

I woke up and 6:00. I'm actually a morning person so this didn't bother me as it did other teenagers. I went to have a shower just to wash all the sweat that had built up on my body after carrying tones of boxes in and out of or new house. I got out and wrapped a towel round my top half. I walk down the hall and had to chose a outfit to wear I'm not used to wearing normal cloths to school but I decide to wear my ripped boyfriend jeans with some fishnet tights underneath. I pulled out a jumper it was a tight jumper which was blue, thin and showed the shape of my body but I this was my style. I put my black doc Martin's on which my mum bought me for my 17th birthday not so long hairs frizzy and wavy it's a sandy colour and I just decide to the it back for today. I don't wear much makeup as I like my skin but I like to put on some matte lipstick I decide to go with a dark red. I rushed down the stairs and took my bag of the stairs which my mum packed for me. She had left early that morning for work. I walk out of the house and lock the door the heat instantly hits me good job I didn't want to take a jacket. This was it my first walk to school. The first day of everything my future relies on.

SIREN-Theo Raekenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن