Chapter 20: Abducted

Começar do início

Niflheim attacked. No one survived except for King Regis, Noctis and I.

"LUNA!" Noctis shouted, reaching out his hand to her. He was carried by King Regis, as I ran with them. Nyx held my hand. Luna was too far away from us.

Explosion was everywhere. The whole kingdom of Tenebrae was destroyed. Blazes and screams of people were everywhere.

I looked back.

Luna had stopped running. She stood there, with a blank face. "Go!" Her voice reached to us.

I wanted to stop, run to her and pull her along, but she was too far. The magiteks were near, yet I couldn't let her die. "Luna!" I panted and stopped running. Nyx's hand seemed to pull me in control but I managed to resist.

"What on earth are you doing?!" Nyx shouted at me. He was furious and tried to pull me. But as long as I had the power, I can control my strength. I looked into his eyes.

Leave. Take care of the King and Prince. I thought.

Luckily, he let go of my hand and ran. Noctis stared at me in shock. He was helpless, unable to stop me.

"Why don't you run, little girl? Run with them. You don't want to be killed, do you?"

I turned around.

"Ravus," I said. He stood with Luna, who glared at me. She was definitely mad at me. They were surrounded by a troop of magiteks, who had their guns pointing at me.

"See, what did I tell you, Luna?" Ravus snickered. "This stubborn brat chose to stay and save us. But look! Even if it means a little girl like her definitely has no match towards a battalion!"

"Don't you dare underestimate me, Ravus," I snarled. Without a few seconds, I summoned crystalline swords surrounding me.

Ravus sneered. "I guess I'll have to dispatch a little alec then." He gestured towards me. "SEIZE HER!"

Now, he said the same words. The magiteks stepped forward, loading their guns with deadly bullets.

What is he doing here?! I thought, my hands reaching down to the dagger hanging beside my belt. "What are you doing here?!" I demanded.

A tall guy in white stood before them, with that mischievous grin on his face. The weapon in his hand gleamed, lusting for blood.

"You. . ." Noctis growled. He summoned his sword, but his father stopped him.

"Noctis, leave it to me— "

"No, father."

"Orders from the King, young man. I do not tolerate fighting your future brother-in-law within the palace premises— "

"You do not tolerate," Noctis slightly hissed. "Is that even a proper order to obey? Look what they've done to us. To every living thing in Lucis!"

"Ah, Prince Noctis. Once a rebel, Always a rebel. Do you think that your stubbornness will lead you to defeating the Imperial Army?" Ravus said as he took a step forward, drawing his weapon.

I stepped forward and quickly drew my sword, which pointed towards him.

"Ah," Ravus chuckled. "We meet again, punk. I thought you were dead."

I gritted my teeth. "You know I've defeated you once before. Now you've come to challenge me again, isn't that right?"

"Oh, you're very wrong about that, kid. You see, I don't actually take any interest in you," he glanced at King Regis. "and this weak old man."

"Shut up," Noctis glared. "Don't you ever lay a finger on my father. You know what's gonna happen if you—"

An arrow suddenly shot Noctis at his side.


"NOCTIS!" I ran to catch him, but an arrow hit my thigh, causing me to feel dizzy.

"Get them. I don't want another mess in here," Ravus stormed off along with most of the magiteks.

I watched them walk off, whilst two soldiers carried both of us, making the world black.

|Third Person's Point of View|

Regis held his arm high. He could've done so much better. The Imperial Army took two of the most important people in his life. Now he had to get them back.

The ring shook, causing the last standing magiteks to explode.

He stood up with his might, dueling with the rest of the soldiers. Unfortunately, he was too weak than he ever imagined. A dagger slashed across his left. The blood trickled out, sending him down to the floor.

"Shall we kill him?"

"Go ahead."

The soldier held his sword high. Regis closed his eyes.

He tried.

"Wait. Someone's coming," the man blocked the other soldier. "We'll get the king. Ravus wants nothing left behind."

"Sir, he's too powerful. I don't think he's an enemy," another soldier said.

"What do you mean?"

"Cloud Strife."

The name had them frozen.

Cloud, the king thought. The Healer mentioned a name Cloud.

Regis watched the Niflheim soldiers run out of the room. The door reformed again, as if it was just an illusion. The footsteps became louder than he expected. Then, there was a whooshing sound.

Before he could move, a blue ray of light streaked into the room. The door opened widely. There stood a young man with his buster sword. He panted, and quickly ran to the king's direction.

"Your Majesty!"

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