5- Nathan's POV

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I lean against Jay's front door, still in shock after what I saw. I'm panicking and freaking out in my head while my conscience runs wild.

"What are the fucking odds of me catching mate and Madi in the act?!" I think. "I DEFINITELY dropped by at the wrong time. Can't believe I was actually a 'cock block' for Bird!"

Once I'm done freaking out, I try to get myself psyched for tonight since I'm gonna see my best friend Melina.

"Ok Nath....breathe. You gotta calm down and get ready for tonight. You're obviously gonna get laid tonight, so you gotta go home and get ready."

After having a conversation with myself, I walk back home. On the way, I hit up a local market and pick some flowers for Melina. I wanna get as lucky as I can tonight and flowers are a definite plus.

Once i arrive home, i decide to get a shower. I go to my closet and try and find something decent to wear. I go through my whole wardrobe, just rejecting outfit after outfit. I settle on jeans and a nice polo for tonight. I head in for my shower and take extra long so i can 'man scape' for my girl. I feel sort of nervous and the need to be perfect each time we meet up because I always want to be better than her boyfriend. I think someday that we will finally get together. Well....only time will tell.

I arrive at Siva's place around 6. I knock on the door with my flowers in hand and I look damn good might I add. Siva answers the door and I smile. "Can I steal the beautiful girl away?" Siva shoots me a look. He's always been leery with Mila hanging out with other guys. If she was mine, I wouldn't care just as long as she came home to me every night. "Fine, just give me one moment." He replies and calls for Mila to come down cause I'm here. She comes bouncing down the stairs looking excited and beautiful as ever in a sundress and sandals. Siva gets jealous that I'm going to spend all day with her and decides to steal her for a kiss. I pretend to gag and just roll my eyes in displease. I break up their little love fest.

"Aye Mila, ready to go? I got flowers for you too." I use my charm and sex appeal to woo you. She takes my flowers and gives me a hug. We leave and I slyly rest my hand on her ass as we walk away, knowing that Siva is watching.


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