Post Full Moon Syndrome

Start from the beginning

He's adorable when he's sleepy.

Get a grip, Lily.

"You should get some sleep." she said.

"I don't want another detention for sleeping in class, Lily."

"You seem really tired." she argued

James shook his head. "I'm fine."

"You're not." Lily said, "I don't know what you were doing all night, but I'm sure your head is going to hit the table in a minute. So, sleep."

"What if she sees me?" he asked, gesturing to the professor who was grading their essays.

"I'll make sure she won't see you. I'll wake you up when she's close." she said. She certainly had no idea what she was saying.



He smiled lazily. "Thanks."

And in a moment his head was resting on the table and he was fast asleep.

Lily shook her head, smiling a bit.
Boys are weird. And they say girls are confusing.

She went back to reading her book, occasionally looking up to see if the professor is still busy. The chapter was interesting and it managed to keep her attention off the boy next to her. It was the first time Lily was reading about it, a topic she had purposely avoided reading during the summer because it seemed to be of a more advanced level.

After she finished reading the assigned parts of the topic, she closed her book and turned to James. He was still sleeping, but had shifted so that his face was now towards her. And Lily's attention was caught on a small cut on his eyebrow.

She had noticed so many things about him since the start of the term that it surprised her. She wasn't supposed to notice those little things. And she was definitely not supposed to find them cute.

She had never thought someday she'll be forcing him to sleep because he looked tired and watch out so that he wouldn't get caught. She was going against everything she had thought and planned and she had to admit it was frightening.

Maybe I should wake him up. I might go mad because of these weird thoughts if I don't.

But when she looked down at him, he looked so peaceful and relaxed that she couldn't bring herself to disturb him.

Fifth year Lily would have thrown a tub of water over his head.

But fifth year Lily is gone.

I know, little voice in my head. And I don't want her to return.

So much had changed in such a short time that it was still unclear to Lily when they had fallen into this new situation. It was something she couldn't even name. What were they now? Something between acquaintances and friends?

James shifted slightly, startling Lily. He rubbed his nose with his wrist and fell asleep again. Lily bit the inside of her cheek to hold back a smile.

Things were definitely changing. She wasn't her old self anymore, nor was he. The day she decided to see him from an unbiased perspective, she realized that he wasn't as bad as she made him out to be. She had never seen past his flaws because of her blind dislike. She had known him for six years but in reality, she never knew him. She only knew the James Potter who she had sculpted in her mind.

She remembered him telling her that someday she'll realize that her feelings for him are as strong as his for her. She had taken it as another one of his pathetic comebacks and laughed in his face.

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