Just like a crow teasing a butterfly [chapter23]

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After the big drama scene with Karen, the tension that seemed to build up between Andrew and Gabe is completely gone. They act exactly like they used to before, only that now, they allow themselves to kiss if they feel like. Gabe seems happier, and so does Andrew. Myself, I'm a little sexually frustrated. Already the first day we got here, Seth decided to make me super horny, only to be pulled away by Darren, and this is our fourth day already! I know I could just grab him and lock us into a bathroom, but that's just fucking embarrassing. Then everybody would know, and hear, what we were doing. 

But tomorrow we're going back to the school to have our exams and stuff. I'm currently lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling. Andrew and Gabe are playing some card game and Liam is reading a book. Seth has to help making food with Darren, Eliott and Embry, so Liam and I are kind of loner-ish since our boyfriends aren't here. "Is the book interesting?" I ask, looking at Liam, and he nods, smiling at me. "I really like books, you know, but I nearly don't have any time to read because of the homework." I grin widely. "I love books! What genres do you read?" He shrugs. "Pretty much everything, but I like fantasy and, um, romance but I like older books too." I grin, and then we start an eager discussion on which books we like. 

After dinner, Seth and I go for a walk. We sit down by the water, near a tree for about two hours, just cuddleing. I look up to his face. "I love you." I whisper, and he kisses me. "I love you too, honey." He whispers back, and I pull him down again, licking his bottom lip. Closing my eyes slowly, I feel a jolt of pleasure go through my body as his tongue meets mine on the halfway. I pull him onto myself, and he smiles before breaking the kiss. "Not here." I sigh, and kisses him softly. "You're right. We should go to bed, but I'm so freakin' horny, Seth." He smiles lopsided "I know, me too. But tomorrow we're going back, so just bear with it for another day." I nod, and we separate, going to bed.


The bus ride is always boring, but up to this point, it has been extraordinary boring. Seth and I are sitting in the very back of the bus, all alone. Everybody else is sitting at least five seats forward and up. What can I say? We like a little privacy. I'm wearing my diaper pants under my skinnies, so it's not too comfortable to sit in the positions I'd like to. We're taking the long way because we stopped at this place to eat about half an hour ago. It's still a four hours drive, so I figured it would be good to wear them. I mean, at my age, I heave a too big bladder for these diaper pants to take it all, but at least it will somehow stop it, and my pants won't be soaked, they'll just be damp if I have an accident. I'm majorly sexually frustrated, and I want to bone Seth right here, but I know we'll get into trouble and that's not good. Four hours, I keep telling myself. Four more hours. 

Two hours later, Seth seems like he's uncomfortable. "Do you feel sick? Do you want us to sit more forward?" He shakes his head, blushing sligthly. "I need to go to the bathroom." He whispers, and I look at him, frowning. "I drank a huge fizzy drink." He explains, and I nods, rememberring him pushing me to go to the bathroom but never doing so himself. "Is it bad?" I ask, and he shakes his head. "Not too bad, but uncomfortable." I nod, knowing the feeling. "Tell me when it's bad, and I'll ask the driver to stop somewhere." He nods, looking like he's thankful. About 45 minutes later, he nudges my shirt. "It's kind of bad... Can you ask?" He says, looking really embarrassed. I nod, and rise. "I'll be back really soon." I walk to the front of the bus, to the driver. "Hi... I'm sorry, I know you're not supposed to interrupt the driver, but can we please stop somewhere? My boyfriend really need to go to the bathroom." He glances at me, judgingly. Shit, homophobic. "You're right. You're not supposed to interrupt the driver. And we're there in about and hour, so sit down and tell your boyfriend to hold it." I look at the teacher, only to see that it's an old, snoobish teacher. She'll never fight on two gay boys' team.

Just like a crow teasing a butterfly (boyxboy)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang