Just like a crow teasing a butterfly [chapter3]

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"I'm gay." I whisper. He opens his mouth, and I close my eyes just waiting for the "you're disgusting"-rant. But it never comes! I slowly open my eyes. Seth's still looking at me with his mouth partly open. He's probably trying to figure out where to start. "That doesn't matter. People should treat you normally no matter if you like boys or girls. Or both." I gape at him. "What?" I blurt out. "You're not going to tell me how disgusting I am, and that you're not going to share room with me any more?" Seth laughs, shaking his head. "Of course I won't, it's not disgusting! It's just a bit different, that's all. And you wouldn't really rape me or anything." "How come you think so? I mean, I wouldn't, but most guys assume it."

Seth laughs some more. "Something tells me you'd play the girl-role. Besides, you're way too innocent-looking." I can feel my face flush bright red, and I hide it a bit before caring to correct him. "There's no such thing as a girl-role though. It's often addressed as 'giving' and 'taking' or 'top' and 'bottom'." His eyebrows shoot up. "Oh... Yeah, the whole both partners being a guy thing would kind of get ruined if one of them was a girl. You don't really seem dominant enough, though." I look away, thinking about just how subservient I'd be if he'd been on top of me. My face flushes red once more, and Seth laughs at me. In a friendly way, though, not in a mocking way. "Sorry, I will stop teasing your preferences."

Seth ends up joining some guys who are playing football (yes, this takes place in England, I'm sorry to all you American people, but I do not think of the kind of football where you have touchdowns.) I end up sitting on a bench watching him run back and forth. He's clearly enjoying it, and he's good at it too! All of a sudden, some random girl dumps down next to me. "Hi!" She sings cheerfully, and I turn around. This girl... I swear, I've seen her before! Of course I've seen her, I mean, she's in my school and all. But there is something about her... Her eyes are dark brown, and her hair is dyed pink. It's hanging loose to the middle of her back. The long hair and her pale skin makes her look like a doll. She's cute, and the bright smile on her face is making her look truly beautiful. Even as a gay guy, I must admit that.

Her clothes are also cute and doll-like. I actually find myself liking them. They're simple, but pretty. I guess I'd been wearing something similar had I been a girl. She's even smaler than me, which is rare; People don't usually get smaller than I am. Something is different about her... Usually, she wouldn't really care about me. But now she speaks to me! "Uhm, hey.." I say, feeling like a total idiot, not for the first time today. She smiles widely. "My name is Lily! I was just wondering... Are you really gay? I mean, I'm aware of that people say that but it might just be some stupid rumour, right?" I snicker. "Yeah, I am. I have confirmed it earlier, you know." "You have? Oh, sorry, I used to be one of the more popular girls." I frown at her, not quite getting where she's going with that. "I used to be friends with those kids who bullied you." She explains.

"Oh!" I say as it finally dawns for me. "I knew I'd seen you somewhere before!" She looks embarrassed. "Yeah... But they wouldn't let me be who I really am, so I quit being with them. I'm really sorry, though. That they're bullying you." "It's okay." I say, smiling. It seems she wants to change the theme of our conversation, so she goes on; "So... How is your new roommate? Pretty hot, isn't he?" I blush, and look at her. Then I nod slightly, having her smile. "Seth, is it? Seems pretty skilled at football too." "Yeah, and drawing too. You should've seen it, he's amazing!" I blush, meeting her gaze. She grins widely. "What?" I ask, feeling awkward. "I really don't get why you don't have friends! You're so easy to chat with, and you just give off this friendly feeling." I just smile in reply.

"Honestly, it was completely wrong of your friend to go against you like that." I frown at her. "How do you know that?" I can't remember telling anyone about what Henry did. Not even my mum! "Erch, I was dating him at the moment. He's such a dick, though. I ended up hating him so bad my twinbrother Liam started disgusting him too.. We have some kind of connection. You know, twin-telepathy. They used to be some sort of friends. But since both Liam and I are bisexual, we decided to stay away from him after what he did t you." I end up just smiling at her. "You're really nice, Lily. Thanks for talking to me." I grin stupidly, not quite knowing how to express my happiness. She's so cheerful, and it makes me feel better. She grins back. "Yeah, and I understand what you're dealing with, because you know, I crush on girls as well as guys. But hey, I need to go now. I have a bunch of homework to catch up with!" She pulls a face, and waves as she walks away. "I'll see you around, Nath!" Nath? A nickname? Whew... Maybe I am making friends?

Later on, it's dinner; Tomato soup with macaroni and eggs. I'm walking next to Seth, trying to find a free table. Then I suddenly notice someone with pink hair sitting all by herself. I nudge Seth's sleeve, and he follows me although he's confused. "Can we sit here?" I ask Lily, and she smiles at me. "Of course! Liam will be sitting here too, but it's fine. I swear he's harmless." "That's totally fine." We sit down, Seth is graceful as ever, but has kind of an awkward expression. "You're Seth, right?" He nods, and smiles at her. "I'm Lily, nice to meet you." Seth nods at her. As we're sitting, a guy with dark brown-ish hair worn a little longer than guys usually would approaches. He has the same dark eyes as Lily, and if he'd had longer, dyed pink, hair, he and Lily would probably look identical! He's wearing really girly clohtes too; bright blue skinnies and a white t-shirt with a colourful unicorn on it. I honestly don't know how I've been able not to notice him earlier. He tilts his head when he spots us, but shrugs as he sits dwon next to his sister. Smiling uncertainly, at us, he then turns to Lily. "Liam, this is my new friends; Nathan and Seth. Guys, this is my brother Liam."


I walk across the dining hall, looking for Lily. That's when I notice that my pink-haired sister is not alone! With her is the little gay guy, Nathan - don't judge me, he is small even when he's taller thank me - and the new guy. I'm not really sure of his name. I tilt my head sligthly, but Lily seems to feel friendly about them, so I just shrug and take my place next to my twin. I smile a little at them before turning to Lily. "Liam, this is my new friends; Nathan and Seth. Guys, this is my brother Liam." Ah, so that's his name. "Hi." I say, and they both answer with their own greetings. I study them both. Nathan, the smalles one, has dark ruffled hair and what seems like some kind of band shirt. He's pretty cute, and I think that I'd actually like to know him better. Seth is the taller one. He has a sand-ish blonde colour to his hair, and nut-brown eyes. He's definately that kind of handsome guy you would have dirty dreams about.

I am, as my sister, bisexual. I have never really come out to anyone before - it's never been necessarry. I just fall in love, and people I know don't really mind it. I do in fact also enjoy wearing pretty female clothing. My mum noticed early on that I liked Lily's clothes better, so than God I've never had to explain to her that I am not transsexual. But of course, then there's the fact that I was supposed to be born as a girl. I'm okay with being a guy though, I just like female clothes more. Lily and I have pretty mutual feelings when it comes to things. Earlier, we would easily fall in love with the same person - more often a guy since I happen to prefer them - and Lily would always get them. I'd be heartbroken and jealous for days. And when the relationship ended, I'd cry with her. Also, for a while, I was so used to Lily having pink hair that I automatically thought I had pink hair too. I'm actually not completely over that yet...

Back to dinner! Nathan, Seth and Lily are eating their soup, and I'm just sitting here thinking? I look down, expectiong to see a full bowl of soup, but it's empty! Where did my soup go? Lily laughs. "You ate it, stupid!" "Oh..." Nathan and Seth joins her, and I also laugh a little bit. We decide that we should enjoy the nice weather, and we all end up lying in the grass just chilling. I can see that Nathan enjoys lying next to Seth, but I keep my mouth shut about it.

In the coury, some girls are playing tennis, and I smile. Nathan is looking at them too, but as expected from a gay guy, he's not really looking at the girls. He's watching their game. "Hey, should we ask if we could join them?" Nathan looks at me, wondering if I asked him or not. I look at him to verify, and he shrugs. "Sure!" I grab his arm entusiastically, and drag him with me. "Hi, wanna play double?" I ask the girls. One of them - the blonde one - looks at my arm. It's linked with Nathan's the way girls usually do. She lifts an eyebrow, and I just keep smiling. The red-head next to her says "Come on, we'll let them play. You two against us two, okay?" "Deal."

We prepare ourselves, and the two girls start the game. I can see why Nathan was staring at their game - he's really good! He's reading every movement perfectly. We've played for a long time now, and he doesn't even seem a little bit tired! While myself, I'm sweating and gasping after air. He's wearing dark clothes too! Shouldn't that, and the fact that the sun is shining bright make him like, really warm? Apparently not... We end up winning the match, and Nathan gives me a high-five. I'm exhausted, but I proceed to give him a huge smile. And thank God for Lily, who has grabbed waterbottles for us. Nathan drinks the whole think in less than two minutes, and I chug down mine as we walk to the dorms to take a shower.

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