✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

     2007년 8윌 14일

     august 14, 2007

      if someone is reading this, please hit me over the head with a brick.

     i want to be home with seyoon, but school is a bitch.

     (yeah, swearing, yada, yada)

     and this kid

     with a prosthetic leg is staring at me,

     jihoon assumes he likes me.

     if he does, then i will have to reje-

     "oh, look who it is."

      'goddammit,' byeongkwan swears in his thoughts.

      he looks over his shoulder, to yoochan's eyes. the brown haired quirky bitch smiles a bit wider, making byeongkwan want to run.

    "whatcha' writin'?" he asks, smiling as if he is actually intrigued. but byeongkwan knew he wasn't. he knew he was going to beat him to the fucking ground.

     "nothin-" byeongkwan starts, but he is interrupted. yoochan reaches over byeongkwan's shoulder and takes the journal from his hands. byeongkwan tries to act fast to get it back by reaching over to him quickly, but yoochan shoves him back into the lockers before byeongkwan can.

     byeongkwan whimpers out in pain quietly as yoochan skims through the few pages of the notebook that byeongkwan wrote on.

     "hah!" yoochan throws the journal to the ground, a loud thunk echoing after it. "you like someone 3 years older than you, and is a guy?"

    yoochan laughs very loudly, making a red blush crawl onto byeongkwan's face. he rubs his arm awkwardly in embarrassment, feeling as he were going to cry.

    "dude, that's fucking gay," yoochan chokes out in laughter. "you're disgustin-"

    yoochan is pushed by a silver crutch byeongkwan remembers seeing. byeongkwan sees the same kid, an angry look glued on his face.

     yoochan obviously looked disgusted by the boy's act.

    "stop teasing him." the boy says bluntly to yoochan's face.

     yoochan's upper lip lifts upward on one side and his eyebrows furrow. he stares at the boy for a little, before his hands come up and shove the poor boy with enough force to knock him to the ground.

     the boy of course tries to keep his balance, but he falls to the tile floor in defeat. he groans, yoochan standing in front of him with a small smirk.

    "stop trying to be tough." yoochan spits at the boy before walking away from the two.

    ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 

    changkyun watches as the bully leaves. he looks over at byeongkwan, who looks shocked at his actions.

    changkyun easily uses the hallway wall to stand to his foot and fake foot again. his face is covered in blush. he felt embarrassed for what happened. and right in front of byeongkwan. he wanted to seem protective and tough, but as the bully said, he should stop trying.

     changkyun walks to byeongkwan's journal, and uses his left crutch to slide it to byeongkwan, how was still leaning against the lockers, watching changkyun's actions.

    "here," changkyun says.

     byeongkwan doesn't say anything, but only takes his journal into his arms and quickly hides it from changkyun's view. changkyun stands and shifts awkwardly, and just watches.

    byeongkwan stands to his feet, and places his journal into his locker. he looks at his sharpie in his hand, seeing black ink staining his hand. his palm hugged the sharpie while the bully seemed to attack him.

     "so i'm changkyun, and you are?" changkyun tries to say, acting as if he didn't know who byeongkwan was already. he wanted to give it a chance to try and talk to byeongkwan, and now seemed kind of right.

    byeongkwan shuts his locker, and locks the lock on the locker, making sure the lock was securely shut. he doesn't turn to look at changkyun, and instead walks away, toward the direction of the lunchroom to meet up with his friends. he held his head low and walked quickly.

     changkyun watches as he leaves, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and sadness.

    changkyun sniffles a bit, "guess he just doesn't like me."

     instead of breaking down and crying like changkyun normally would in these kind of situations, he just bit his lip and turned the other direction. he started to walk away slowly, looking down at the ground.

    the same clacking of his crutches able to be heard.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 




(i say that too much)




(omg stop it)

i was bored

and i finished my calculus homework, and my other hoMEwORk.

so i updated





(might change the book cover, idk)


disappeared. wowkwanUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum