The Reunion Pt. 1 - "Even Mermaids Move On"

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Rikki checked her wristwatch for the fourth time in the last 20 minutes. She tapped on the glass, and shook her head. "They're 40 minutes late already. I don't think they're coming." She said in frustration.
"It's just 40 minutes, don't lose hope just yet." Zane jumped behind her. "Maybe flights got delayed."
Rikki shook her head again. "All of the three?"
Rikki's memory flashbacked to a year earlier when she was visiting the Gold Coast again for the first time since she left it. She remembered her words to the three young mermaids, Ondina, Weilan, and Mimmi. She promised she is gonna come back, and bring her friends back with her. But that turned out to be a hard thing to do. While sometimes still being in touch after all the years, the four girls went in their own ways; Each one found her path, and they moved apart from each other. Even mermaids move on.
Zane was the first she managed to track down, which wasn't hard at all: Zane was the owner of a successful hotels company. After graduation, Zane moved to the other side of the country, took some time by himself by going to business school. While it was really his father's decision, Zane seemed to take a lot from it and became a brilliant businessman. By 2013 he opened his first hotel, "The Grandelle". With the years by its side, the name was changed into "Grandelle Gold Coast" with the opening of seven other Grandelle hotels around the world. While Zane and Rikki's relationship never returned to what it was, they still remained good friends even after all those years, still wishing 'happy birthday' and 'Merry Christmas' on Facebook occasionally. And there they were, standing in the lobby of the Grandelle Gold Coast, waiting as the clock ticks second by second.

"You can't know what happened," He said and placed one hand on her shoulder, a habit Rikki wished he'd got away from by now. "But they wouldn't miss it, I know." He said, comforting her.
Rikki shoved her hands in the pockets of her dress. "I knew it was a waste of time." She said and walked over to the closest lounge chair, and threw herself on it.

A big family approached the front desk and rang the bell. "Excuse me? May I speak to Zane Bennett?" A woman wearing big sunglasses and a wide hat said. Zane turned his head to the sound. "How may I help?" He asked.
The woman removed her sunglasses, and Zane immediately recognized her. "Zane!" She called and hugged him.
"Cleo! Lewis!" He replied as she hugged him.
Rikki turned around to the sound of Her friends. "Rikki!" Cleo called and ran to hug her.
"Oh my god, Cleo, it's been so long!" She hugged her friend back. "You look great! I love the short hair." Rikki said.
"Look at you, you haven't aged a day!" Cleo said, checking her friend out.
"How are you doing Rikki?" Lewis walked from behind Cleo. "It's been a long time."
Rikki hugged him tightly. "The beard suits you." She laughed. "And who are these three fellas?" She smiled as she got lower to face the three boys.
"This is Jay, he's five." Cleo said, rubbing the head of a blonde boy with glasses. "That's Sun, he's three." She said. Rikki obviously noticed his Asian origin, realizing he was clearly adopted. "And this one here is Thomas." She said, kissing the two-year-old Lewis carried in his arms.
"Say hello to auntie Rikki." Lewis smiled.
"Hello;" Rikki smiled at the little boys. "I have a surprise for you..." She said and pulled small chocolate candy off her dress pockets and handed them to the kids.
Rikki stood up to face Cleo again. "How have you been doing lately?"
"I'm great. Are the others here yet?" Cleo looked around.
"No, not yet-" Rikki started saying, but before she could finish someone called her name.
"Rikki! Cleo!" Bella called as she walked through the front door.
"Bella!" They both called back.
Ever since graduation, Bella managed to get her own record deal at a small label in Australia. Quick enough she started selling hit singles all over the world, slowly charting as one of the strongest and most refreshing artists out there. She was selling out arenas all over the world, hitting no. 1 on many charts and living out the life of a pop star.
"Look at you, miss popularity!" Cleo said.
"How is the life of a superstar?" Rikki added.
Bella laughed. "You're exaggerating," She said. "Sometimes it's nice, sometimes not so much." She rolled her eyes. "But enough about me, what about you two?"
Before either of them could answer a man carrying a little girl walked in the room. "Bells, I barely found parking round he-"
"Will!" The two women jumped at him. "Oh hey guys," He said while hugging them.
"And who is this young lady?" Rikki asked.
"I'm River and today is my fifth birthday!" The little girl jumped in her father's arms.
"Oh she's a little diva like you?" Rikki laughed and looked at Bella.
"Yeah, she's a natural born performer." Will snuggled into her cheek. "She always has to dance around and sing and entertain everyone else."
"You know River," Cleo said and moved closer to the girl. "My son Jay is about your age. Would you like to go play with him?" She said and the little girl nodded in excitement.
"Guys, where's Emma?" Lewis asked.
Rikki turned to him. "She's gonna be a little late, she said work is holding her back a bit."
Cleo rolled her eyes. "Same old Emma."
Zane jumped in. "Well friends, may I offer we head to our brunch reservation? There's a playground for the kids near and we could wait for Emma there."
"Sounds like a great idea, Zane." Cleo said and picked up one of her boys.
Zane gestured to his right in a butlerry manner. "The lounge is this way." He said, and lead the way.

The six young adults sat down by a fancy looking table, covered with a white map, and golden artillery. "Wow, Zane, you really did more and above." Rikki pointed.
"And, there are also customized kid meals that will be served for the younger ones." Zane smiled in his chair in satisfaction.
"Wow, Zane!" Cleo smiled, and looked at Lewis in surprise. "Who is that?" She joked.
Will glanced at the one empty seat in the table. "Hey guys, is Emma coming alone?"
Rikki turned to him. "That's what she told me on the phone."
And then, as if on cue, Emma walked into the room. Wearing a pearl white pantsuit, high heels and big sunglasses, holding an expensive hand bag, her short blonde hair blowing in the wind while it felt like the time itself slowed down into slow motion when she got in. "She raised her sunglasses and smiled at the six. "Hey guys."
"Emma!" The three girls jumped off their seats and ran to her.
"Look at you!" Cleo said.
"When did you become so fancy?" Bella added.
Emma rolled her eyes and smiled. "Honestly, I missed you guys so much."
"So, how is everyone been all those years?" Emma asked as she sat down by the table.
Cleo hugged Lewis' arms. "Well, Lewis and I moved to Chicago, and at the moment I'm a surgical resident at Oak Wood Hospital." She said with pride. "And Lewis is the head of the oceanology department at the National Marine Biology Institute."
"She's exaggerating, but yeah, I'm at a leading position." He said. "What about you, Emma?" He said, shoving a piece of bread into his mouth.
"Well, as you probably heard, I own several boutique restaurants across the US. And it's been doing very well." She smiled. "Well, at the moment it's a low time, but it's almost summer, which is the dining season, so we're expecting an increase in the profits."
"Look at you, all professional." Rikki teased her as the waiters served the food. Zane made sure they'd serve serve sea-based foot, such as fish, seaweed, and lobster.
"Zane, this is way over the top." Will said, modestly.
Zane crossed his arms and smiled. "Nothing much for some old friends."
"What about you Will?" Cleo said as she sliced herself a bite of her fish. Chilean sea bass, if being a daughter of a fisherman taught her anything. "We already know Bella is a huge star, but what you've been up to lately?"
Will rubbed the back of his neck in awkwardness. "Well at the moment, I guess I'm a stay at home dad. I coach swimmers every now and then but other than that I just enjoy watching our little girl as Miss Wonder Woman here sell out arenas around the world." He smiled and looked at his wife.
Bella returned him an embarrassed look, melting from his compliments. "Well, I'm not Beyoncé," She laughed. "But at the moment I'm still recording my fourth album." She said. "It should be out sometime in September, I believe. What about you Rikki? I loved your new book, by the way."
"Oh yeah! It is really incredible." Lewis added. "I was so shocked to see your name in a book store."
Rikki smiled awkwardly. "Well you know, I've been just using our gift as a way to make a living out of it."
A moment of silence was spread throughout the table. Everyone knew what they were talking about, but it's almost like mentioning it would be rude. Like bringing up bad memories. Only they weren't bad, being mermaids was the best thing that has ever happened to them. But somehow they managed to find their ways without it.
Rikki looked at Bella and Cleo. "Did your kids get any of it? The... Magic?" She said, making sure no one else is listening.
"River got it. That's why we homeschool her. It's so hard sometimes. To teach her not to talk about it." Bella said.
Cleo looked at her. "Really? Both Jay and Thomas are completely fine in water." She shrugged.
"Maybe it's a mother-daughter thing," Emma said.
"Maybe it's a 50%-50% thing," Lewis added.
"Or maybe it's just a thing of believing." Rikki said, slightly sarcastic.

"Well," Cleo said and stood up. "We're gonna leave you men to it." She said, pointing at the girls to get up.
"Where are you all going?" Will said, caught off guard.
"Don't you want to stay and eat?" Zane added.
Cleo exchanged looks with Rikki. "No, we had a special place we need to get to." Rikki smiled and at the moment they all knew what they were talking about.



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