Beauty & The Beast. ( Justin Bieber One Shot)

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" I've had it, this was it we're done with him" I told my best friend Miranda. " Yeah but you always say that Kris, but I have to go. If you change your mind and want to get back with Justin just call me" She said grabbing her leather jacket and car keys from my dresser.

I was fuming mad, never has Justin ever upset and hurt me this much. One year and three months strong and now he does. Why would he hurt me like this.

" Bye" Miranda said as I closed and locked the door behind her. I didn't even realize I was down stair, because hurt and angry of what Justin had done to we washed over my mind and heart. The door bell rang, and automatically I answered just knowing Miranda had forgot something.

" What did you forget now" I said pulling open the door. But there stood Justin with his beautiful golden brown eye staring at me. " What do you want" I snarled, rolling my eyes. " I thought I threw all your shit on your lawn yesterday" I snapped at him before he could answer.

How dare he after hurting like he did should up here. He better be glad my dad wasn't here or I would let him have his way with him, he never cared for Justin anyway.

"  Cat got your tongue or does that high school preppy Brooke" I said has tears lured my vision. I began to slam the door right in his face but his  black leather boot stopped it.

" Kris, you've got all wrong," he spoke his head held down low not even looking me in the eyes. " What do you mean Justin. I saw you, she was all over you. You didn't stop her. You let her kiss you. You let her crush me, by taking the only real thing that mattered to me." I scream as tears uncontrollably flew from my eyes.

" Listen Kris, I love you and I would never hurt you. I completely one hundred percent love you. You know deep in you heart I would never do this to you" he said finally looking up at me. I saw hurt in his, eyes. I saw a reflection of what I was feeling in his eyes.

And I couldn't help but to sob more right there in my door way. " Please baby girl I love you.  If there was nothing else in this world I was sure about it that" He cried out to me.

I looked at him, as he looked down at his watch quickly. " Kris, I have to go but I'm coming back. We have to finish talking about this." He said as he backed away from my door.

No he wasn't going to runaway from his. I was some pet I wasn't going wait for him to come back, and run to him. No, not again.

" Justin" I said grabbing his arm as he began to turn away from me. " This is one of the problems, you always run and turn your back on me. " I said holding him.

" Kris let go" He said giving one of the most serious looks I've ever seen his beautiful face sport before. But I wasn't going to back down. I wasn't going to let him leave me wonder what he was doing making my heart ache for him.

He wasn't going to find me at his door three a.m. running into his arms, as we both told each other how much we needed each other. No. I was done with all that. He was going to explain why he hurt me so bad. '

" No Justin, It's not happening. Just tell me why you hurt me okay" I said as my grip tighten around his wrist. The whole time him turned away. Was the truth of what he did to me really had he could look at me. He had to look at me. We couldn't he look at me.

" Just look at me" I finally scream. He didn't move or anything he stayed turned away. " Look at me " I yelled pretty sure the neighbors heard that one.

" He turned toward me, and I jumped a little. " Is this what you wants to see" He growled  at me.  This time his face sported fang and hair had spread  all over. I dropped his arm backing into me house. " This is what you wanted to see huh Kris. You wanted to this. " I sleeted .

What was he, what was going on. I shook my head hoping the last few days were just a dream, but to no avail a monster turning stood in  front of me.

I back further away until I tripped over my living room carpet. Really day really, I told you to leave this thing in the closet. I heard the door slam shut squeezing my eyes closed .

I hated loud noises and Justin knew that, but I saw wasn't Justin It was, was a beast.  As I stayed on the ground I stared at it and stared at me. "

Is this what you wanted to see"  I hear Justin's voice but I didn't see him.  I looked at the beast and stared at it soft honey brown eyes.

Those beautiful brown eyes, only belonged to one and one soul only. I had finally, found my Hollywood sense to what was, or must have been happening right before my eye. " Justin" I called in a low tone, obviously scared out my mind. 

It or what ever it was  shook it's head. " It's me. And baby girl I'm sorry if I'm scaring you" It apologized. I looked into it's eyes undeniably knowing it was Justin. 

I smiled with a sigh of release of the feeling I terribly hate, called fear taking flight.  He held his hand out, but when I looked down all I saw was claws.

I looked up at him as he gave me a light smile, making them disappear. I grabbed his hand him pulling me to my feet. " I never meant to hurt you and I'm sorry if I ever did. That kiss it was, something, that was forced, and why didn't I push her away. The same reason I and bench three fifty. I didn't want her to magically end up threw a wall. But I'm sorry" He apologized looking me in the eyes. I hit in the chest it not fazing him. " Why didn't you tell me about this" I said scanning him up and down.

" Because you would be afraid of me. You would run you wouldn't love me anymore" He spoke to my heart when he said those six simply words. " Justin Drew Bieber, I will always Love you. Until time ends you understand me. Nothing and I mean nothing can ever stop me from loving you" I yelled angrily run and gulfing him into a hug. He slowly wrapped him arms around my waist. I smiled against him, know everything was going to be alright. 

" Now if my werewolf boyfriend would say with me" I smiled pulling away. He laid down as I laid on the side of him cuddled and laying on his chest as we laid on the swain couch. "

I'll  always stay with you" Justin said kissing me on the fore head before I drifted into sleep. " What The hell" I heard my dad scream waking. I looked up at me fuming dad as I laid still in Justin's arms, Justin's eyes shot open  with his arms still wrapped around me, him back to normal.

I smiled has Justin laid scared , and my dad fuming. I looked at Justin's eyes as he looked at my dad as he went on a tirade. I'm his Beauty and he's my Beast, something I'm already in love with about  him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2014 ⏰

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